☆ invitations ☆

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margot woke up the next morning feeling weird. she knew she had to sort through her feelings about what had happened last night, but she had no idea where to start.

it's not like she had time either. her shift today was long. she barely woke up with enough to time to get ready for it, too, so it's not like she had time before work.

glancing at the clock, she cursed, scrambling out of bed. she rushed through her morning routine, quickly running a brush through her hair instead of trying to style it. she went for a simple pair of cut-off shorts and a loose tank top, and threw on her converse.

she grabbed a soda from her fridge right before she left, knowing she was going to need caffeine to get her through today.

miraculously, margot made it to work on time, lucky that she wasn't opening the store today. once she got behind the counter, she realized how bored she was going to be. as usual, the store was basically empty. sometimes she wondered how the hell they stayed in business, but to be fair she never worked the night or weekend shifts usually.

she passed the time by hiding her phone under the counter and scrolling through her apps. it's not that flynn cared about her having her phone out, but she'd gotten a few complaints from customers about it, so she got good at hiding it.

margot replied to a couple of snaps and finally replied to her mom's text from a couple days ago. she missed her family, considering they were still in the midwest, but she was so bad at replying to things. she quickly got caught up in her texts with her mom, promising she'd call her later once she was off.

she was pretty distracted, so she almost didn't notice the shadow falling over the counter. she cursed silently, wondering when someone had entered the store.

but when margot looked up, it was just awsten.

"oh thank god." she accidentally said aloud. he smirked at her. "no, sorry, i thought you were a customer and i was about to be chewed out about not paying attention." she rushed to explain.

"damn, here i was thinking you were just excited to see me." awsten said, looking down sadly, or at least, faking it.

"stop that." margot laughed. "of course i'm happy to see you. i was bored as fuck."

"oh, that's all i'm good for? entertainment?" awsten continued.

"like the album!" margot blurted before she could stop herself.

"you listened to my music?" awsten clutched a hand to his chest. "i'm honored." he fanned himself dramatically.

she sighed. obviously, she'd listened on the way to his apartment, but she'd also played it until she fell asleep last night. and because she was a major insomniac, she'd gotten pretty far through his discography.

"nah, i just knew it from the in-store." she joked. awsten looked at her like he definitely didn't believe her. "anyways, what are you doing here? did you have another meeting with flynn?"

he shook his head, "nah, i just figured you be working, so i came by to hang out."

"you are aware that i'm working, right? i can't exactly 'hang out'." margot gestured around her. awsten looked to where she was gesturing, raising an eyebrow at the deserted shop.

"i'm not seeing any customers." awsten said. "come on, it's not like i'm taking you away from anything."

"true. i'm not in back today so i basically have nothing to do anyways." margot admitted. she was honestly glad to have the company, even if it was someone she had mixed feelings about currently. "what did you have in mind for hanging out while at my work?"

"just chatting, honestly." awsten said, leaning against the counter, which brought him a lot closer to her, considering the counter wasn't that wide to begin with.

"mhm, we saw each other literally less than 24 hours ago, what could we have to talk about?" she said, mentally hitting herself for bringing up last night. hopefully, he wasn't thinking about it as much as she was. or not hopefully... ugh, she was still confused.

"yeah, true. oh, wait! i needed to ask, what are you doing next saturday? after 8?" awsten said, looking at her expectantly.

she looked at the work schedule pinned to the wall and scanned. she actually wasn't working at all that day. which meant she had zero plans.

"absolutely nothing, why, what's up?" margot asked.

"i'm having a little party at my apartment. obviously, you're invited. and you can bring olive along." he offered.

"oh sick," margot said. "is it gonna be a party full of all your famous friends?" she waggled her eyebrows.

"well, obviously." he said. "nah, it's just gonna be some of my normal friends. and you."

"i'm not normal?" she pouted.

"that's not... well, actually that's exactly what i meant." he giggled. "so, will i see you there?"

"yeah, of course. i'll have to ask olive but she'll probably be down."

"perfect." awsten replied.

margot pulled out her phone, shooting a quick text to olive.

party at awsten's next saturday

you down?




yeah, specifically by awsten :)


she didn't reply after that, so margot hoped she hadn't passed out or died or something. that would be unfortunate.

"olive's down, apparently very down." margot said.

awsten laughed, "good, she's cool."

"don't tell her you think so, i think that might actually kill her." margot begged.

she bit back the sudden jealousy. it was a stupid thing to be jealous of. awsten could think anyone's cool if he wanted. he obviously enjoyed her company too if he was seeking her out randomly during the day.

they chatted for a bit longer, before awsten left. he said he didn't want to distract her anymore, because there were actually people coming in now that it was later in the day, but she was sad to see him go.

with a moment alone, she thought, shit, i need to get a new outfit for this party.

thank god both her and olive were off tomorrow.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now