☆ recording ☆

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here we go with some real plot! also if there's timeline inconsistencies no there's NOT. LOOK AWAY.

when they finally got out of the shower, awsten leant her clothes. luckily, he had some shorts that were small enough to fit her if she cinched the waist tight enough and she took one of his smaller shirts.

awsten threw on a cut off tank top and some skinny jeans. while they were dressing, he turned to her.

"i was going to run by the studio today to work on a new thing, you wanna come with me?" he offered.

"oh, hell yeah." she said, braiding her hair back so she didn't have to deal with her wet hair. awsten lead her into the kitchen where he made them lunch, considering it was way past breakfast by the time they finally were ready.

he prepared some simple sandwiches for them and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before sitting next to her at the island.

they ate quickly and then cleaned up. margot was excited, because she'd never been inside a real studio, and she'd be able to hear awsten's new music before anyone else (besides his friends and the people in the studio). she couldn't wait to hold this over olive's head.

margot made awsten swing by her apartment first so she could grab shoes that would actually fit her besides her heels. this allowed her to drop off her dress from the night before as well and freshen up more than she could at his place.

while she was inside, awsten sat on her bed and waited for her to finish.

"hey, princess?" awsten asked.

she poked her head out of her bathroom to listen, "yeah, what's up baby?"

awsten looked up, "did you just call me baby?" he giggled.

margot felt her face go red, but she decided to play it cool. "what about it? can i not call my boyfriend baby?" she said.

"no, no, of course you can. just wasn't expecting it." awsten smiled at her. "anyways, back to what i was going to ask, do you wanna spend the night again tonight?"

she grinned, "of course i do. now that i'm here i can actually pack a bag." she said, finishing up in the bathroom.

she packed a bag, throwing in her skin care, clothes for tomorrow, and her cutest pair of pjs, despite knowing she probably wouldn't need them, based on how she usually ended the night with him.

once she was done, they headed out and got back in awsten's car. luckily, the studio was close to her apartment so they didn't have to backtrack.

they were able to head straight in when they got there, and awsten introduced her to everyone he was working with and then told her where to sit on one of the black couches behind the booth.

margot was content to just sit there watching him work. she could tell just how passionate he was about music and songwriting as she watched him explain exactly how he wanted the song to sound. he was definitely a hand talker, she could barely follow where his hands were going as he talked to his producer, zakk.

soon, awsten went into the recording booth to work on vocals on the song. she was glad that they were dating, because it made it less awkward to ogle him.

his voice was so beautiful, and his raw vocals took her breath away. it took her back to the first time they had met, when he had done the in-store.

she kind of hated herself for disliking him at the time (even if it was his own fault), because she didn't fully appreciate the performance she was given. not that she couldn't just ask him to sing for her any time soon, but it was much different when he was working.

it took a while for awsten to get everything how he wanted, but margot didn't mind. it was cool just to be in the studio. she'd always wanted to work in music, considering her music management degree.

the studio was slightly different from the type of work she wanted to do, but still. it was closer than she'd ever been to doing what she wanted.

margot dismissed that train of thought, and trained her eyes back on awsten. he was truly in his element. his eyes were closed tight as he focused on hitting the notes and singing the right melody.

while she was watching, he opened his eyes and caught her staring. she went a little pink, but all he did was wink and smile at her before returning to the task at hand.

it was pretty late when they finally exited the studio, awsten deciding they'd hit a good point, so he offered to drive them through a food place so they could go back and eat dinner at his apartment.

awsten grabbed margot's hand as soon as they were in the car, pressing a soft kiss to it. "sorry i barely talked to you that whole time, but did you have fun?" he asked, starting the car.

"oh, please don't apologize, it was so cool seeing the behind the scenes. i wanna do music management, so it was even better," she started. "plus, it was a good excuse to stare at you the whole time." she giggled.

"i'm glad you weren't just sitting there bored the whole time, i just get a bit lost in what i'm working on." he admitted.

"trust me, i was not bored." margot said, running her thumb along his hand. "what was the song called, by the way, i don't think you ever told me?"

"oh! you couldn't tell?" he laughed. "it's lowkey as hell."

"sick title." she said.

"thank you, thank you." he smiled.

they got their food and then headed back to awsten's.  they ate their food on the couch and once they cleaned up, awsten put on a movie. this was one of the few times they actually had intentions of watching it.

awsten laid back, pulling her to lay beside him with her head on his chest. margot was a big touch person, and she sighed in happiness at cuddling with one of her favorite people. awsten ran a hand through her hair, relaxing her.

she was so happy to be where she was.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now