☆ almosts ☆

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margot woke up very confused. she became aware that she was leaning against something warm and comfortable before her eyes even opened. she couldn't remember where she was and why she was sitting up instead of laying down.

she finally peeled open her eyes before shutting them immediately. fuck, she thought. that's right, she'd fallen asleep in awsten's apartment. god that was so embarrassing.

margot let out a groan, which caused what she was laying on to shake with laughter. double fuck.

she'd fallen asleep on awsten. she was never going to live this down. she squeezed her eyes tight enough to hurt. maybe, if she went back to sleep, she'd wake up in her own bed and this was just all an embarrassing dream. she waited for a few moments with no luck. oh well.

margot opened her eyes for real and clocked the way they were sitting. she'd had her head resting on awsten's broad shoulder, and he'd wrapped his arm around her, presumably to make sure she didn't fall on to the floor.

she sat up, her face burning, "oh my god. i'm so fucking sorry. god, that's so embarrassing." she muttered, trying to scoot away from him.

awsten just chuckled, tightening his arm around her, "i didn't really mind. you're cute when you sleep, with your snores." he teased. her face burned hotter.

"shut up." she said, pushing at his side. he didn't let her go, but did let her put a little distance between them.

margot glanced at the tv screen, mentally thanking her brain for not letting her sleep too long, considering they were only a couple episodes past what she last remembered.

"i really am sorry, i did not mean to fall asleep. your couch is just so comfortable." she pouted.

"i didn't mind, it's nice that you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep here. i wasn't expecting it at all though, i just went to say something and then your head hit my shoulder and you started snoring." awsten explained, giggling.

margot groaned, scrubbing a hand over her face. she was pretty sure she didn't snore and he was just teasing her, but the alternative was mortifying.

"it's really okay, i promise." awsten smiled down at her, "do you wanna keep watching, or do you wanna go home? you seemed kinda tired."

"no, no, i'll stay. i have no idea why i fell asleep. i got my 8 hours and everything last night." margot was actually so confused why she'd fallen asleep there. maybe it was just that she felt so comfortable around awsten that her body had just shut down. that was still so confusing though.

she'd barely known him for two months as a real person and not just a celebrity who was a dick to her back in october. whatever, she thought to herself, i'll just ignore it until it goes away.

they resettled on the couch, awsten keeping his arm around her, seemingly not noticing it was still there. margot didn't mind though, it was nice.

after a bit, awsten's stomach grumbled. she poked fun at him, glad the pressure was off her. he shrugged sheepishly.

"it's almost dinner time, to be fair." he defended himself.

"oh shit," margot checked her phone, noticing how late it had gotten, "i can leave if you want to eat."

awsten stopped her, "orrrrr," he dragged out, "you could stay for dinner and i could cook?" he offered. she turned to look at him, trying to decide if he was being genuine or not. he seemed to be, so she hesitantly accepted.

"are you sure? i don't want to force you to cook something for me or anything..." margot said.

"no, it's fine, i cook for myself most of the time anyways. and cooking is no fun if you don't share it with anyone." awsten said. "you'll have to help me out though." he said while standing up.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now