☆ aftermath ☆

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margot woke up the next day feeling like she'd been hit by a truck. she didn't even drink that much, but she guessed it was due to the flood of emotions from last night.

she dragged herself out of bed at a decent time, finding olive on the couch face down. she sat next to her, patting her legs.

"you good?" margot asked quietly. olive's only response was a groan. "did you call out of work?"

olive rolled over slightly, "yes. feel like shit." she cleared her throat, "i didn't even think i drank that much."

"yeah, we're getting old, babe." margot said, laughing slightly.

"we're in our twenties. we're not old." olive grumbled.

"alright, whatever you say." margot said. "i'm going to shower and then i'll run and grab us some food."

olive smiled, "ugh, yes, i could kiss you!" and then her head popped up. apparently too fast, because she clutched it for a few seconds before speaking again. "speaking of..."

"nope! not doing this on an empty stomach. bye!" margot cut her off, darting back into her room and slamming the door. she rushed through her shower trying to distract herself from thinking about last night.

she didn't want to come out of it with any regrets so she blocked it out for as long as possible. she came back out into the living room to olive still in the same position she'd left her in. she snorted lightly. she'd most likely be like that until she got some food in her.

she drove to the nearest fast food restaurant to them, glad it was still breakfast and that she'd miraculously awoken in time. she got their usual breakfast sandwich orders and two iced coffees.

by the time she arrived back to the apartment, olive had at least made her way into sitting up, but she perked up when she saw the food.

they ate on the couch in near silence. only after they had finished most of it did olive speak up.

"so... you and awsten..." she said, obviously trying to seem like she wasn't super invested.

"don't act like you didn't walk in on that." margot laughed.

"i didn't do it on purpose! i really did need something. i had no idea i'd walk into that." olive held up her hands in defense. "did you guys talk at all, or was it just the kiss and dip?" she asked.

"no he just, like, asked to kiss me and then we kissed." she admitted, chewing on her nails.

"oh shit." olive replied, sitting back. "well, it seemed like he was really into in, if that helps?" margot glared at her.

"i don't know. what if he just wanted someone to sleep with? i think i actually really like him, olive." she said, throwing an arm over her face.

"i don't know him that well, obviously, but i don't think he seems like the type to be like that. and trust me, i would know." she told her.

"oh, how was your little hookup?" margot remembered.

"it was good, i got his number but i don't think i'll call him. but don't try to change the subject! have you heard from him since?" olive said.

"well... i immediately went to bed after getting back and then i don't think i've seen my phone since. it's in my bed somewhere, i think." she thought out loud.

"well go look for it! he's probably texted you a bunch already."

"you're, like, more invested in this than i am, what the hell?"

"sue me for wanting you to be happy." olive threw her hands up. margot laughed at her.

"alright, alright, i'll go look for it, give me a minute." margot got off the couch, throwing away their trash on the way to her room.

she found her phone fairly easily. it was tucked under her pillow and was somehow still alive. she sat on the edge of the bed and plugged her phone in, scrolling through her notifications.

she silently cursed when she realized she did, in fact, have a couple of texts from awsten.

hey, you make it home okay?

i'm gonna assume you just
fell asleep lol

and then from the morning:


i'm assuming you're
probably still asleep

but i just wanted to say
that i really enjoyed last

luckily, the texts hadn't been sent too long ago, so she hastily replied.

omg i'm so sorry

i did get home safe

i just completely
misplaced my phone
and only just now
found it

i also enjoyed
last night :)

awsten replied quickly, easing her anxiety over accidentally ignoring him.

well good morning

how are you feeling

i didn't drink
too much so good
on that front

how are you

i'm great, besides
the mess i have to
clean, lol

yikes, was it

nah, but still


i just wanted to
make sure that you
didn't regret last


trust me, i was
very into it

i honestly was
worried that you'd
regret it

in your own words,
i was very into it as well

i would be very
willing to do it again

well, me too :)

they moved on after that, figuring out how the other felt. margot had a bit of a pit in her stomach. she still wasn't sure if he just meant being physical with her or if he wanted something more. but she definitely didn't want to ask him that over text and immediately after what had happened.

eventually, the conversation died out, and margot  actually got ready for the day, brushing out her hair finally. she finally looked in the mirror for the first time, catching sight of the two purple bruises on the side of her next.

well, shit. they were much bigger than she thought. she had no idea how she was going to cover those for work. she pressed down on the one shaped like a bite mark, wincing. there would be no question about what had happened.

whatever, that was later margot's problem to deal with. she'd figure it out.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now