☆ confusion ☆

105 5 8

so... strap in!

it had been a couple days since the weird facetime ending, and margot had been able to distract herself with work mostly. but she still couldn't figure out what was going on.

she'd texted awsten a few times, only to get short responses or simply just a reaction to her message. that ended after the second day, leaving her with no response at all. it was so unlike him that she almost wanted to go see him and make sure something wasn't wrong. but she could tell when she wasn't really wanted around, so she fought that urge.

it didn't stop her from feeling like shit either. and it was apparently obvious to other people too. flynn had hovered around her when he was actually in the store, trying to gently ask her if she was okay without her glaring at him, and olive had started leaving her favorite candy outside her room (which she was spending basically all of her free time in) and also hand written notes saying that she would curbstomp anyone who hurt her.

margot did feel a bit stupid about how dramatic she was acting. all over a boy, too. but he'd been so caring and attentive to her just to borderline ghost her. it was messing with her head.

she was used to ex-partners treating her like shit, so she didn't think it would hurt so bad, but it did.

margot had the day off too, flynn basically forcing it on her after yesterday, where she "looked like a kicked puppy" according to him. so, she was alone with her thoughts. and they weren't very happy.

she couldn't even watch her favorite show because it reminded her of awsten. it wasn't even like they were broke up either (or at least she didn't think they were... she stopped that train of thought before it could spiral too far).

she kind of hated herself a bit for allowing herself to get too attached. it was ridiculous that they hadn't even been official for more than a month and she just wanted to cry and rot the day away. the self-hatred didn't exactly help the doom spiral but it did help her focus on something that wasn't him for a bit.

her phone pinged, and she picked it up eagerly. but that quick spike of excitement flooded out of her when it was just olive. then she felt bad for reacting that way to her best friend.

i'm coming in

and i'm dragging you
out of bed

and we're getting ice cream
and we're going to
eat our feelings

i'm not moving

let me rot

please please please
please please

cute, but i'm not
falling for it

her response was interrupted by olive keeping her word. the door slammed open, nearly bashing into the wall, but olive caught it at the last moment.

"rise and shine, darling!" olive sang loudly, advancing towards the bed.

margot answered by throwing the covers over her head.

"oh, stop that. i am supportive of your feelings and wanting to rot, but i also believe in never, ever, ever letting a man affect you." olive said, trying to tug the covers away. it didn't take long for her to win and chuck them to the floor.

it didn't take her much effort to drag margot out of bed either, but once she was on the floor, olive had to put in more effort.

"leave me here to die." margot said, her words muffled into the carpet.

"stop that. get up and get in the shower." olive pleaded, tugging on her arm. margot sighed, realizing she was never going to leave her alone until she got up. she peeled herself off the floor slowly, encouraging by olive cheering in the background. she glared at her, but it was halfhearted.

"i'm going to sit in the bathroom while you shower to make sure you don't drown yourself." olive said, pulling her into the bathroom.

she turned around while she undressed but she was apparently serious about staying there the whole time.

margot had to admit it was nice she was putting so niche effort in to trying to comfort her, and it was nice to shower with olive yapping on the other side of the curtain. it was like a podcast that she could respond to.

it didn't take her long to shower and olive had apparently picked an outfit out for her. it was a pair of comfy shorts and an oversized tee. comfy but not suffocating in the california heat. she dressed quickly and then olive braided her hair for her.

once they were ready, margot checked her phone. if olive was serious about getting ice cream at 2pm, she probably shouldn't tell her it would be the first thing she'd eaten all day. whoops.

olive drove them to the nearest ice cream shop, and they sat outside while eating. it did feel nice to be outside and in the sun (not that she'd ever admit that to olive. god forbid she was right about something).

they caught up with each other because despite living with each other, they had very different schedules and with margot shutting herself away this week, they'd not really seen the other in a few days.

margot felt a bit bad that she hadn't been focused on her too much, so she decided tomorrow that they'd spend the whole day together. olive agreed easily, and they figured out their plans before heading back home.

olive refused to let her go back to her room until she was actually planning to go to her room.

"it's not healthy to rot in bed all day. especially when you spiral like you do." olive pointed out.

"okay, wow, what a call out." margot scoffed. olive just laughed at her. they spent the rest of the afternoon watching tv together, ordering in dinner so they didn't have to go anywhere and interrupting their binge-watching sessions.

after olive turning her day around, margot felt much better about her situation. so what if he didn't want to talk to her and just wanted to ghost her until she got the hint. she still had her best friend.

she figured she wouldn't be so positive once she went to bed, but for right now, she was content.

sorry about lack of awsten in this chapter... i know im evil... sorry. :)

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now