☆ dinner ☆

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awsten made margot promise to close her eyes when he parked. she obliged, mostly just to humor him, but it was fun being surprised like this. when he parked, he jumped out and ran to her side of the car to open the door and help her out.

he allowed her to open her eyes so she didn't tumble out of the car. how nice.

it took her a moment to actually process where they were. she had to hold back her laughter the second she clocked it.

awsten had tricked her and taken her to an arcade. in a fancy dress. and heels.

"oh, you fucker!" she cried, smacking him in the arm. awsten didn't respond, just giggled at her and took her arm again. "you're so evil! why would you tell me to dress like this!" but she was fighting back giggles why trying to scold him.

"it was to throw you off my trail! element of surprise!" he said, lightly dragging her to the door. he opened it for her with a flourish, "after you, my lady."

she sighed loudly, but entered the building. predictably, it was crowded, a bunch of middle school kids running around and being loud. it was a nice place though, lots of machines and games, and she thought she could see a laser tag arena in the back.

"so, what first?" she turned to awsten, having taken in enough of the place.

"i prepared and filled prepaid cards in advance, so that's done. but since we're on a date, and all, we have to do date things. which include playing skeeball and letting you win graciously." he teased, walking them towards to two machines side by side.

margot rolled her eyes, "what makes you think i'm not going to beat you with my own skill?" not that she would. she was actually terrible at it. but he didn't need to know that.

"oh, of course, my bad." awsten replied, getting the machines ready. "i'm sure you could beat me." he teased, smiling at her.

"asshole." she laughed. she would just have to sabotage him. when they started, she let him throw a few of the balls without doing anything, you know, to make him let his guard down. but once she saw that he wasn't actually doing too bad, she smirked to herself.

right before he could toss the next ball, she reached out and lightly nudged him to the side so that the ball missed drastically.

"hey! cheater!" awsten complained, giggling as he nudged her back. "focus on your own game!" she ducked her head, hiding her smile and pretended to listen.

but two throws later she did it again, to his surprise. she couldn't stop giggling, despite the fact that somehow he was still hundreds of points ahead of her. maybe it was the focusing on ruining his game instead of playing hers... probably not.

"stop that!" he demanded, but he was giggling a little too hard to take him seriously.

"alright, alright! i'm done!" she held her hands up. she did actually need to get some points before it looked way too embarrassing.

they chatted lightly while they each played their own games, but when margot was actually getting into the swing of things when awsten reached over, poking at her side.

"fuck!" she squeaked, jumping to the side. "oh! look who's cheating now!" she accused, only for him to do it again. "awsten!" she cried, backing up from him. she was lucky it was pretty loud in there, otherwise it would've been more embarrassing than being in an arcade in a dress.

awsten repeated her action from earlier, holding up his own hands. "forgive me, sweetheart. my deepest apologies for the payback." he snorted. they threw their final balls, awsten obviously ending up far head in points.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now