☆ epilogue two ☆

47 2 7

december sixth

margot could barely contain her excitement. it was the last night of a night out on earth tour, and awsten had invited to watch the show.

she'd been to the first night, because her and awsten were slightly codependent at this point, and they had already known that the month long time apart was going to suck. so he'd invited her to all three california shows so that they wouldn't have to miss each other as much.

it had helped that after that first show, awsten had asked her to move in with him once tour was over. that had been a really good night.

for now, though, margot was in the vip seating, eagerly waiting for the show to start. awsten was just... mesmerizing when he was on stage, and she was so lucky to be able to get to see him doing what he loved.

olive had been invited as well, but she had declined, so margot was up there alone, awkwardly bouncing her knee and checking her phone every ten seconds.

she was getting a few texts from awsten every once in a while, and it was obvious he was nervous about something, but she figured it was just the show and let it slide. she just sent him an encouraging text and let that do the work. she wasn't too worried, he'd tell her if it was something she could help fix.

she didn't have much time to think about it further, because the lights were going down. margot eagerly put her phone away and leaned forward, tuned in to the show.

after the show, margot took a second to collect herself before going back to try to find awsten. she was out of breath and definitely sweaty, and she was sure her hair was all over the place.

who could blame her though? awsten knew how to put on a show, and she was on her feet the entire time, jumping and singing along.

she let the crowd thin out a bit and then made her way backstage. she had her pass out, but they barely glanced at it before letting her by, pretty familiar with her at this point. she couldn't lie, it made her happy that she was that big a part of his life after just over a year and a half of being together.

it didn't take her very long to find his dressing room. she knocked and barely had to wait before the door was swinging open. when awsten realized who was standing outside his door, he caught her hand and tugged her inside.

margot squeaked, not expecting him to tug her, but she wasn't too mad when she ended up tucked into his arms.

"hi, pretty girl." he said, pressing a kiss into the top of her head.

awsten was clearly fresh out of the shower, his rainbow hair dripping water steadily onto his face and onto her because of their proximity.

he was in a soft hoodie, one she'd stolen before, and she was actually a bit curious about how he'd gotten it back from her. she ran a hand over his shoulder, resting it on his cheek and running her thumb along his cheekbone.

"you were so amazing. i love watching you perform." she said honestly, smiling up at him. he knew it at this point, but she figured he deserved to hear it as much as she wanted to say it.

"thank you. i put in a little extra effort just for you." he turned his head to press a kiss into the palm of her hand.

awsten unwrapped his arms from around margot and led her to the couch. he sat down and then sat her in his lap, brushing his hand up and down her back. she cuddled into him, inhaling his scent after missing it for so long. she could stay here forever, but she knew awsten was probably needed somewhere for something. she selfishly did not mention that out loud.

she could feel him shifting around slightly, and could tell his earlier nerves had reappeared. she kept silent for a second, seeing if he'd bring it up himself.

when it was clear he was just going to brew in whatever was getting at him, she leant back, looking him in the eyes. his face was tense and he was chewing on his lip. she frowned, situating herself so that she could be face to face with him.

"hey, what's up, baby?" margot said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

awsten's face flushed slightly, but he didn't take long to answer her, "um. okay bear with me. close your eyes really quick?"

margot was extremely confused but she obliged, fighting the urge to giggle about how silly it felt.

he shuffled around, holding her around the waist with one arm so she wouldn't fall off his lap, but he settled eventually, adjusting her so she was comfortable on his lap again.

"i wanted this to be way more romantic, but i couldn't wait, and i can make it up later but..." he paused, and she could hear him take a deep breath, the hand around her shaking slightly. "okay, you can open your eyes now."

she took a moment to prepare herself, and then opened her eyes. she immediately gasped, staring down at what awsten was holding out in front of her.

it was a ring. tears immediately sprung to her eyes, and her hands came up to cover her face.

"awsten..." she started but couldn't finish.

"margot, love of my life, my biggest supporter... will you marry me?" awsten said softly, clearly aware of the tension in the air.

margot started crying for real, trying to gasp out a yes through her tears. when awsten caught what she was saying, he tugged her closer, kissing all over her face, moving her hands to kiss her on the lips, both of them smiling unconditionally into it.

when they finally pulled back, margot could see that awsten was crying too, and she giggled through the tears.

"i love you so much. i can't believe i get to marry you." awsten said. he was still shaking slightly, but he managed to get her hand and slide the ring on her finger.

looking at the ring on her finger just made her cry harder, and she had to tuck her face into awsten's chest to muffle herself.

"you're so lucky i got my nails done before this." she mumbled into his chest and he laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"i'm considerate like that." he replied.

they stayed like that for a while before awsten actually had to go get things together. margot wasn't too upset though.

after all, she was going home with her fiancée.

okay. hey! ummm sorry about the over a month break... but ambivalence is finished now! i hope you all liked the ending, and i can't thank you enough for all the support while writing this. <3. more things to come, and hopefully soon! bye!

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now