☆ backseat ☆

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smut warning!! there's some plot in here but it'll be touched on later as well :)

the second their stuff was packed in the trunk of his lexus, awsten was opening the door to the backseat and sliding in. he tugged margot in after him, pulling her to sit on his lap.

"need you so bad." he muttered into her neck, pausing to suck harshly. her head tipped back and her eyes fluttered closed as a soft moan slipped out of her mouth.

awsten slid one hand under her dress, the other holding her steady so she didn't slip off his lap. she could feel him hard under her, and she couldn't help but rock down. awsten groaned out, and then bit down on her neck.

the hand under her dress shoved her panties aside and slid a finger into her slowly. margot gasped out, grasping on to his shoulders to steady herself.

the pace he set was quick and dirty, making it obvious how desperate he was.

not that she could say anything, she was so wet that the slide of his finger was easy.

one finger became two and then three quickly. margot was panting hard, her nails dug into his shoulders to try and ground herself as much as she could.

suddenly, he pulled his fingers out, "take these off." he said, tugging at the waistband of her panties. she slid off his lap to do so and while she did that, he slid his pants and boxers down to mid thigh, just enough to get his dick out.

he reached into the door and pulled out a condom, and she almost laughed at him, but she was glad that one of them was prepared. he slid the condom on while she slid her panties off.

almost the second she finished her part, he was tugging her back onto his lap. she knelt above him, and he guided her to sink down on him.

she dropped slowly, getting used to the size of him again. the only sound during that was the sounds of their harsh breathing and the occasional hitch of breath from awsten.

finally, she was fully sat on his lap. he was hitting perfectly inside her and she rolled her hips slightly to feel him fully.

his hands shot out of grasp her hips, sliding her dress up just enough to grip at her bare skin.

his hips twitched up shallowly, clearly trying to hold himself together. she smirked at that, but gave in, starting to lift up. she started a slow pace, the drag of him too good to go any faster.

awsten helped her, the grip on her making it easy for him to lift her up and guide her back down over and over again. it was tight enough that she knew there would be little bruises in the shape of his finger tips later.

at each drop, his hips bucked up to meet her, pressing as deep into her as he could get. eventually, he got impatient with her pace and started bouncing her on him faster.

margot gasped out, burying her face in his shoulder. she could hardly breathe, like each breath she tried to take was being fucked out of her.

"fuck, awsten, please." she panted out.

"i've got you, pretty girl." he said, fucking up into her harder. "you're my good girl." he said into her hair, pressing a sloppy kiss to the side of her hair.

margot whined at that, sliding a hand to tug at his hair. she was rewarded with a deep groan from him and a sharp thrust. she smiled and then bent to suck a hickie into his shoulder. when she was done, she pressed a kiss over the reddened skin.

it didn't take long after that for her to get close, and by the way awsten's movements were getting sloppier, he was too.

"'m close." she moaned out, trying her best to help move her hips.

he grunted in response, sliding one hand under her dress and starting to rub her clit with his thumb.

she gasped, bucking her hips forward to meet the stimulation. she could feel her orgasm building and she let awsten know, throwing her head back.

he sped up both his thumb and his thrusts and soon she was cumming, clenching down on him. he groaned, fucking up into her while she went limp on his chest.

each thrust caused a spark of oversensitivity, but it was too good for her to tell him to stop. luckily, it didn't take him long to get there either.

"gonna cum." he gritted out. she tried to move her hips to help him and then he was gripping on to her hips and pulling her down to meet him.

he came in her hard, panting into her hair and muttering out a "love you." before slumping into the seat.

wait. what?

all her previous bonelessness disappeared in a second. did he just say... she sat up, both of them wincing slightly at the movement. he didn't look like he'd noticed he'd said it at all, staring up at her with a fucked out grin.

"awsten..." she started.

he caught the change in her demeanor and helped her ease off of him, but kept her in his lap, smoothing his hand over her hip comfortingly.

"what's up, princess?" he asked, a slight frown on his face.

"do you know what you just said?" she said, keeping her voice as light as she could.

"no? what did i-" he paused, and then his face went white. "oh. oh! oh my god, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to-" she could tell he was starting to panic, so she threw her hand over his mouth.

"hey! stop it. it's okay, baby. i'm not upset." it took up until she said that to realize she really wasn't upset. in fact, she was trying not to squeal out loud. he loved her? fuck. she was pretty damn sure she loved him too.

"you're not?" he said, muffled through her fingers. she moved her hand to cup his cheek.

"no. because i love you too." margot said quietly.

it took awsten a second to process what she'd said, but the second he did, he was pulling her into a hug, pressing kisses to the side of her face.

"i love you." he said, smiling so wide that she could hear it in his voice. she giggled and then realized they were still in the back seat.

"as happy as i am right now, i would prefer to not be in your backseat right now." she said, still laughing slightly. he nodded in agreement.

they got redressed and awsten dealt with the condom, and then they got back in the front seat.

"you wanna go back to mine?" awsten asked while starting his car.

she nodded and he smiled at her, resting his hand on her thigh as he got on the road.

she didn't stop blushing the whole ride home.


ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now