☆ make outs ☆

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margot felt like the ground had fallen out from under her feet the second awsten kissed her. it was unlike any kiss she'd had before.

awsten wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. she sighed into the kiss, feeling him smile against her lips. his lips were so soft against hers, sliding perfectly into place.

awsten slid one hand up to her face, tilting her head back slightly to deepen the kiss. he slid his tongue against her lips, and she parted them to let him slide it into her mouth.

the hand on her face slid into her hair. he tugged lightly on it, causing her to let out a moan into his mouth. in response, he gripped her hip tighter, pushing her up against the counter.

awsten sucked on her tongue, kissing her with intensity. margot didn't know making out could feel this good. or be so fun. they kissed for what felt like forever, but was probably only a couple minutes. she was content to just stand here and kiss him all night if he let her.

margot's own hands came up to wrap around his neck, playing with the short green hairs at the base. awsten tapped her hip as a warning, and then lifted her up, setting her on the counter so they were more equal.

this gave her the ability to put some power into it from her side, sucking on his tongue in response.

she was flush up against his body, both of them hot from the passion behind their actions. awsten pulled away for a split second, long enough for margot to whine before he was reattaching his lips to her neck and sucking harshly.

her whine bled into another moan. she tugged on his hair instinctively, leading his to groan against her neck. he mouthed at the spot he'd just detached from, and she was delighted that it felt sensitive already.

"fuck." he muttered into her neck, sending shockwaves down her spine, "careful with that, pretty girl." he said, referencing the hair pulling.

she fought past the fluttering in her stomach over the name he'd called and smirked. she tugged his hair again.

the groan he let out was muffled by him sinking his sharp teeth into the base of her throat where it connected to her shoulder. her own moan was shaky from the feeling.

margot was aware, somewhere past the fog clouding her head, that they were doing this in his open kitchen, and anyone could walk in, but honestly, she couldn't be bothered to care. the buildup to this moment had been worth it.

she did, however, peak open her eyes to check if anyone was in the kitchen, but they were in the clear.

she dragged him back up to her mouth, kissing him again. he responded quickly by sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and biting down.

god, despite this being their first time kissing, it's like they were made to do it. it was like they knew exactly what the other wanted and got what they wanted in return.

margot let her hands fall from around his neck to grasp at his waist, trying to pull him even closer, despite the already prominent lack of distance.

awsten let his hand run up her thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. he tucked it right under her skirt, pressing his finger tips into the sensitive flesh at the top.

his other hand wrapped around her hips to steady her on the counter and keep her in place for him.

they broke apart to breathe for a second, foreheads pressing together.

"you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that." awsten said, staring straight into her eyes.

"i think i have some idea." margot panted.

"i wish i would've kissed you the first time you'd gone to my apartment." awsten admitted.

"me too. but i'm happy with how it turned out." she loosely gestured to their position. awsten smirked down at her.

"yeah, me too."

deciding that they'd spent too much time talking, margot leaned forward and started leaving her own mark on his neck, just barely above the same spot where he'd bitten her earlier.

awsten groaned again, the fingers on her thigh digging in tighter. she secretly hoped they left bruises.

"god, you're so good for me." he muttered. "so good at that." apparently, he was a talker during this kind of stuff, which just made her more eager to continue. she finally pulled off when she decided it would be deep enough.

sure enough, the skin was already pinkening, and she was pretty sure she'd burst some blood vessels.

she ran her tongue over it to soothe it before sitting back up. awsten's eyes were dark when she caught his glance again. she wasn't really surprised when he pulled her back to him to capture her lips again.

before they could get much farther, there was a knock against the archway of the kitchen. awsten and margot split apart quickly, but awsten's hands didn't leave her skin.

olive was standing in the doorway, smirking at them.

"quite the show there." she cackled. margot glared at her. "stop that, y'all are in an open area. that was pretty... intimate... for a kitchen." she finished.

awsten took a small step back, which margot was secretly grateful for. she felt too worked up, and awsten pressed against her like that was not helping.

"did you need something?" margot asked, dismayed to hear that her voice was still a bit shaky. not her fault awsten kisses like that.

"well, i was going to grab some water for someone out there, but my bad for interrupting." olive held up her hands.

awsten cleared his throat, "you can, um, get the water now." he was clearly embarrassed, but he didn't seem ashamed of being caught.

olive scooted around them to the water while awsten helped her off the counter. he ran his thumb across her cheek gently and then spoke.

"i should probably check on my guests." he was speaking to both of them but was still looking straight into margot's eyes.

she caught a glimpse of the time, realizing they'd been making out longer than she thought. considering olive had work in the morning, they should probably head out.

she sighed, "i should probably get olive home pretty soon anyways." awsten frowned back at her.

"alright, the party is kind of dying down anyways."

olive; who both of them had kinda forgotten was there, spoke up, "i'll go call the uber so you can say goodbye. was nice seeing you again, awsten." she sounded genuine, but she still had that damn smirk on her face.

margot groaned once she'd exited the room, "that was so embarrassing." she said, covering her face.

"yeah... i forgot that we were in my kitchen." he admitted. "well, i don't want to delay you."

before she could lose her courage, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed awsten goodnight. she could feel him smile into it.

she backed up, smiling up at him, "goodbye, i'll see you soon, yeah?" she asked, suddenly feeling shy.

"of course. i'll make sure of it." awsten said.

then they parted ways for the night.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now