A Trail of Dust

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"Are we there yet?" A perturbed child asked.

The sweltering heat of The Hotlands was unbearable. Around a dozen monsters were grouped up together, making their way to the designated evacuation point. The fact that they were grouped together only made the heat even worse.

"Just a while longer hun. Do you see that massive building in the distance?"

"Mhmm... but it's so hot," The child complained.

"There should be cold water ahead." The mother reassured.


"Yes, dear?"

"Why do we have to leave The Waterfall?"

The weary mother took a deep breath in.

"Don't worry about it, dear. We'll be able to go back when it's safe."

"... Why isn't it safe?"

"There... there's a bad person in Waterfall right now."

"Bad person? What did they do? Wait... Bub-bub is still at home! Are they going to steal Bun-bun?!"

"No, no. I'm sure even they wouldn't hurt Bun-bun," The mother answered, relieved that the conversation shifted from what it was.

A monster spoke up from the front of the group.

"Okay, please line up in an organized matter. Water will be distributed evenly, so don't be an ass about it. Children first in line, please. HEY! Do you have a death wish? No shoving people! None of you will survive even a moment in the lava!"

"Go on, get your water, sweetheart."



"Sign... that should be all of them. Snowdin should be cleared out now. Convincing Toriel was quite a handful..."


"What are you talking about? The human has been killing monsters? I-I don't believe you! That's not the kind of person she is."

"I'm sorry Tors. We have confirmation of 12 monster deaths already. That's why we are evacuating monsters from here to Snowdin. We can't risk the human coming back because she craves more blood."

"What? That can't be true! They didn't hurt a single soul in the Ruins."

"...That's not how humans work Tors. You and I both know that. They put up masks, they lie, they make pretend just so that they can make themselves seem better. They put aside their morals and ideals to save their own skin... even at the cost of the pain and suffering of others. Just look at the situation we're in! Do we talk differently than they do? Do we think differently than they do? Do we work any less than they do? No. We don't. The entirety of Monster kind is locked up in a hole in the ground while the humans thrive on the surface! We all have the same goal of survival and happiness, so why does one group deserve it more than the other? Because one looks different from the other? That's bullshit."

"I... They aren't all like that Sans. The human is still a child! They couldn't even fight before they left the Ruins... let alone kill."

"Toriel. Believe me when I say that whoever you met in the ruins isn't the human we are dealing with right now. Monster lives are at stake and the more time you spend defending a murderer the more time they will have to slaughter innocent monsters."

"...Fine. I'm only doing this because you're my friend Sans. I still don't believe that she would do such a thing, but...The Ruins will be open to keep these Monsters safe."

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