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Taiga's Mansion,

Taiga : Shall we? (extending his hand)

Disha : (Taking his hand) Yeah.... (smiles)

At the parking,

(Driver opening the doors)

Taiga : I will take it from here...

Driver : Sir?

Disha : Why.... Usually you don't drive.

Taiga : I feel like driving today.....

Taiga's POV,

Do you think I will miss the chance of being alone with you.... That's not going to happen.

(Opens the door for Disha)

Taiga : Don't you trust my driving?

(Disha getting inside the car)

Inside the car,

Taiga : Okay, so where do you want to go?

Disha : Hum... yeah, ah?... The mart near ELA..

Taiga : That mart on the right corner ? (Disha nods)


After few minutes,

(Disha pushing the cart while collecting the items she needed)

Disha : I need a toothbrush.... (Taiga looking at the man who is helping his girlfriend to push the cart)

Taiga : (Throat cracks) Let me push the cart..

Disha : What no.... I can do it..

Taiga : I insist... (Takes her place and starts pushing the cart).

Disha : Done... Do you need anything? (Taiga trying to hide his smile) Oh... am sorry.... You should have everything you need by now.

Near the Billing section,

Disha : Oh....112$, that's more than I expected.

(Taking her card out to swipe)

Taiga : What are you doing?

Disha : Hmm. Paying the bill?....

Taiga : Where's the card I gave you.

Disha : Oh, that.... I have it in...

Taiga : So you are not using it?....

Disha : I...It's not that chris... I... I just saved some money for future use in my card, but I have no chance to spend it on anything.... So I thought of....

Taiga : You don't have to (taking the card from her hand ) use mine (takes one of his card and gives it to the supervisor)

Supervisor : Is this that new black card in the market.... (swipes) paid sir.... (Disha taking the bag but Taiga takes it from her hand) Sir.... Are you Mister Taiga..

Taiga : Do you have a problem.

Supervisor : No Sir... No, actually am a very big fan of you.... (Taiga and Disha leaves) can I get a autograph.

Taiga : Can't you see I'm off today.

Disha : (Whispers) Be polite.

Taiga : Let's god come on (Taking Disha's hand and walking to the car)

Supervisor's POV,

Who is she walking next to him... I feel like I have seen her somewhere..... Must be his maid, based on her dress and looks definitely she must be one of his maids...

Inside the car,

(Disha looking sad)

Taiga : What now...

Disha : Why did you take my card..

Taiga : You know why? (Disha looking down) Fine.. What do you want me to do

Disha : Lunch?.... I will pay for it.

Taiga 's POV,

The hell !! I will use this chance to empty her card.

Taiga : Okay Fine.... Which restaurant you want to take me to.... You know I have been to every restaurant in this country.... (smiles)

Disha : Oh really.... Okay, how about I navigate. I will take you to a place where you have never been.

Taiga : That is not possible. (Disha smiles)... Okay fine....

After few hours,

Taiga : Okay, it's been an hour now.....And we are out of the city.... So when will we reach your restaurant.

Disha : In a few minutes.....

Few minutes later,

Taiga : This.... is..... the... resta...

Disha : urant.... Yes...Come on

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