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Taiga's Mansion--Bedroom,

Disha's POV,

Why was she smiling at me like that.. It's still running inside my mind, did she find something.. No, that's not even possible... How can she find about us.. Maybe am just over thinking about this..

Taiga : DISHA??... DISHA???

Disha : Damn he startled me.. WHAT IS IT?


Knock!! Knock!!

Disha : COMING... (Disha opens the door) yes Marlin?

Maid Marlin: Mam, Mr. Gray is here to see you.

Disha : Oh!! okay.. Thank you... Can you give this towel to Taiga.

Maid Marlin : But Mam.. How can I...

Disha : Please Marlin.. Just leave it in the wardrobe he will pick it up (Disha runs downstairs)

(Marlin walks to the bathroom with towel in her hand)

Knock!! Knock!!

Taiga : Got you (Jumps on Marlin and hugs her tight)

Maid Marlin : Young master.. It's me

Taiga : (Pushing her away) Who are you?

Maid Marlin : Sir, am.. am.. O.. On.. One... of your maids sir.

Taiga : Where is Disha?

Maid Marlin : Ssss... Siss. Sir, Mr. Ga... Gray is.. (Pushing her away and walks downstairs with a towel around his waist)

Meanwhile downstairs,

Disha : Hey Jo!! How is everything going. You know what happened today.. That woman smi.. (Jonas standing in shock staring at the stairs).Wha.. Wha.. what. are you looking at (Turns to the stairs)

Maid 1: Oh my god... Our eyes our blessed..

Maid 2 : Yeah.. Look at his body... Looks like a CG..

Maid 3 : He is soooo hot... How can someone have everything.Handsome face , perfect body and hell lot of money.

Maid 4 : I never felt jealous on madam Disha before.. But now I do..

Disha : What are you doing here half naked.

Taiga : I asked you for a towel.. Why did you send someone.

Disha : Is that important.

Taiga : Yes, It is... It is important to me... Why did you run downstairs.. To see him? (Pointing at Jonas)

Jonas : (Cracks his throat) Hum.. I think you are mistaken... It's not...

Taiga : You shut the f**k up.. I will come back to you again.

Jonas : Oh (steps backward) Okay... (Mumbles) Guess am gonna die today.

Taiga : Is he that important to you than me.

Disha : I didn't see him for four days Taiga.

Taiga : Is he gonna die tomorrow... No. Right?... Then why.

Disha : Fine.. What do you want me to do now..

Taiga : Take bath with me...

Disha : (Blushes) You are insane.

Jonas : (Laughs) That's a good trick.. (Taiga stares) That's a good trick Mr. Hutsun, let me teach you something from my side too (walks to the kitchen)

Taiga : Bath with me... Now... Or I will remove my towel here.

Disha : Okay.. It's not gonna hurt me.

Taiga: Let me finish it... I will remove my towel and will bend you down.. With your legs spread..

Disha : Okay... Fine... Come...

Taiga : Good girl.

Disha : How can you be so ridiculous when we have a guest.

Taiga : Jonas... Do you find this ridiculous.

Jonas : (Spits his coffee) Nnno... What. Why would I..

Taiga : See he didn't.

Disha : I have something important to talk with him.

Taiga : Important than me (stares into her eyes)

Disha : Chris... I didn't

Taiga : Come with me now (takes her hand and walks to their room)

And you Jonas... I will deal with you in few minutes.

(Taiga turns and walks to his room)

Jonas : Oh yeah.. Sure... I will wait.. (Gives the cup to Hutsun and leaves in a hurry)

Inside the room,

Taiga : I can't believe you said that. What is this new important thing between you two.. Make me understand.

Disha : Chris (trying to touch him)

Taiga : No.. No (moves back) In the car you said, you like him and now you have something important to discuss with him personally.... Why?

Disha : Hell with you (walks to her bag and brings a cooking book)

Taiga : What is this..

Disha : It's a recipe book.

Taiga : Are you kidding me, is this the secret..

Disha : (Sighs) Alex asked me to get me this book for her... It's a book which boosts man's energy.. You know what I mean right.

Taiga : (Confused) Hum!! (cracks his throat) Yeah..

Disha : I thought of checking on him... But yeah.. Why to bother.. When you are here...

Taiga : Oh!! I didn't know anything about it.

Disha : Okay, just don't show it on your face before him that you know about this okay. (Taiga raises an eye brow) no one likes to talk about this topic... So.

Taiga : Oh..Okay.. I won't..

Disha : Good.. Now go and put on some clothes (Turning away)

Taiga : How about we have some fun before... You know..

Disha : Yeah, I know.. But that's not gonna happen.

Taiga : You are a terrible wife (Throws his towel down)

(Disha walks out of the room)

Taiga : Come back in again.

(Disha meets Elizabeth on the hallway)

Elizabeth: Hi Disha.. How was your travel. (Teasing her)

Disha : (Smiles back) It was good. Thank you..

Elizabeth : Oh, am really happy for you... You both look very great together..

Disha : I have no time for this.. (Turning to leave)

Elizabeth : Do you have time for this (shows the news paper)

Disha : What?... (Takes and reads it) "The Eagles are found dead in the South West forest area" (Stands in shock)

Elizabeth : I told you... Disha.. Am playing this game for too long... I know exactly which piece will block the queen... I still have some moves left for you to play.. Don't worry honey, it will end soon (Goes back to her room)

Disha's POV,

Why... I don't understand... How did this happen, Andrew said it will take atleast four or five days to trap them in their den..

Did Jo came to say this.. All our plan... How will I make Taiga know now... If I don't get any evidence. (Stands in shock)... I should have not left the country (holds her head in shock) People are going to die.

How am I going to stop him now. hell!

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