Elizabeth's Plan

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Jonas Parking,

Debe : I no need car... Take it home (starts walking away)

Vi : Deb... DEB?... Deb stop (grabbing her hand) Debe look at me (lifting her chin up) Deb?... Why are you crying?

Debe : (Hugs Vi) I... don't... know.. Vi... All my life, I was waiting for him to love me.... Ba.. ba.. but..

Vi : I'm sorry.... We can't do anything now Deb.. They both are in love...

Debe : Please, take me somewhere away from him Vi... I'm begging you... Please...

Vi's POV,

Damn! I haven't seen her crying before... She always held her head high... Love makes everyone and anyone weak.. I promise you Deb, this will be the last time you cry. I will not let anything happen to you or anyone hurt you.

I love you.

(Taking her to his place)

Meanwhile Disha's POV,

(Smiles) I don't know what he likes.... How am I going to tell him... (Nervous tone) Should I start this casually or I can surprise him... I mean... Oh! he doesn't like surprises Oh!!! sh*t, why can't I remember anything. I must be the most unromantic person on earth... Should I get flowers.. Do men like flowers... Wait, does he like flowers.. Arghhh! now I can understand why boys are proposing.... Proposing is definitely not girls thing... I have to find a way to tell him.. Come on...

Driver : Madam. Disha we are here.

Disha : Thank you (Smiles and runs to the mansion) Mr. Hustun (Hugs him tight)

Mr. Hutsun : Wow.. Miss. Disha... You are looking very happy.

Disha : Yes, I am... Do you know where Taiga is..

Mr. Hutsun : I saw him on the first floor.

Disha : Okayyyy... Thank you (runs to the first floor)

(Searches every room)

(Swing opens the study room)

Disha : Why am I not surprised.. (Looking at Taiga who is sitting on his chair, checking some files) I was searching for you... Didn't you hear me calling.Tell me, are you busy or free now ? (Looking at Elizabeth coming from another room)... Are you working with something Chris...I can come back when you are free (smiles)

Elizabeth : Oh! that's not necessary honey... I'm leaving now..

Taiga : Mom... STAY.. (Disha looking confused)

Elizabeth : Chris dear.. It will not be good, If I be here.. She is here with some news, you have to listen to her (Disha frowns)

Taiga : Whatever it maybe... She can tell in front of you (Disha looking shocked)

Disha : Chris?... (Smiles awkwardly) Okay, if it's that important to you I can wait..I will meet you in our room then.

(Taiga throws a bunch of photos on Disha's face)

Taiga : (Getting up from his chair and walking to Disha) Pick it up (Lights his cigar)

(Disha bending down and picking the photos)

Disha : Wha... What is this?

Taiga : Have a look (folding his arms)

(Disha slowly turns the photo and looking at the pictures of her and Andrew being intimate)

Disha : What the (throws the photos down)

Taiga : So, these are the daily stuffs you were doing in Jonas place.

Disha : Taiga... Listen (looking at Elizabeth)

Few hours ago,

Taiga : Bob?... Listen to what am saying... Bring all the ammunition to the base, immediately.. YES... GOOD..

Elizabeth : Chris.. Can I talk to you for a second.

Taiga : Yes mom..

Elizabeth : Look at these pictures (Showing him the picture of Disha and Andrew standing together in Jonas lawn)

Taiga : Oh, I know this guy... He is Vi's friend... What about him.

Elizabeth : He is not Vi's friend... He is a FBI agent who is trying to arrest you... And your sweet wife is helping him.

Taiga : Mom... I told you before not to talk about Disha... I know her.. What is with you, why do you hate he.. (Shows him a picture of Andrew and Disha being intimate)

(Taiga swallows) Th.. This is not real... This cannot be real..

Elizabeth : Then how about this (shows him an another picture)

(Taiga stands in shock)

Taiga : Mom?... (With unseen tears in his eyes)

Elizabeth : Look, I always want you to have the good one, not the perfect one... Just a good person.. And I realised she was not when I met her for the first time... I even prayed daily to God to prove me wrong.. But in the end I was right.. She is just a wh*re...

(Taiga falls on his chair)

To the present,

Disha : Do you believe this?

Taiga : Tell me you didn't know him before I met him on the day at Jonas house (Disha moving back as Taiga moves forward while pointing at her) Tell me you didnt go out with him behind my back... Tell me you didn't know he was an FBI agent (Disha clashes on the wall) Tell me now.. I will just burn all these pictures... Tell me.. TELL ME (Bangs the wall)

(Disha looking down)

So you know him....

Disha : (Tears in her eyes) Tai...

Taiga : Shush!!! (looking at the pictures) Look, how happy you are with him... Is that a mall (Moves to the next picture) Oh you both are kissing in this

Disha : We didn't..

Taiga : Shusssh!! Wow!! look at this one...Hugging each other in public.

Disha : Taiga.. He was just helping me

Taiga : (Slaps her hard) I said Shushhh! Open your fucking mouth when I ask you to open okay? (Disha nods) So explain me... How is he helping you here... I can clearly see his hands grabbing your (looking deep into the picture) br*ast... And other hand is on your waist... What type of helping is this..

Disha : (Cries) A Truck.... A Truck passed while I was crossing the road so he pulled me to the platform.

Taiga : Wow... Sounds romantic... You like these type of stuffs right.

Disha : Taiga... Listen to me... I Lo

Taiga : (Slaps her hard again) Shut up... Do you want to see my favorite photo... (Taking a photo from his drawer) You both look really very cute.

(Disha standing in shock looking at the picture)

Forget about everything Disha.... (Throws every picture of her and Andrew together in the dustbin) Just tell me... This is a lie.. Tell me someone photo shopped it... Tell me, you don't even know he was there..

(Pulling his gun out)

Tell me now... My sweet wife and love of my life.. Come on Tell me.

(Loads his gun)

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