Meeting Mr.Taiga

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In front of Taiga's father Mansion,

(Taiga carrying Aiden in one arm, taking Disha's hand and walking in)

Disha : Look, stay calm... Don't lose your control. (Taiga standing quietly) I am talking to you.

Taiga : I don't think I can do this.

Disha : Taiga?

(Taiga turning and walking away)

We came this far... Tai?.. (Blocking his way)

Taiga : Disha.. I can't do this.. I can't go and talk to that man like nothing happened.

Disha : He didn't do anything to you Taiga... It's your mom.

Taiga : That is all you think?... He left me and my sister when I was just 10 years old and Jess was a baby 4 years Disha... I don't know why.. I still don't know the reason What did I do, what did Jess do.. My sister used to cry all day looking for my so-called dad and mom.... I wasn't able to do anything, because I didn't even understand anything, she will be so loud, I was not sure how to console her. I turned into this person only because of him..My sister died because of him... My mom (gritting his teeth) used me because of him... If he had only been next to us nothing would have happened... But that spineless bas... (Looking at Aiden) I can't am sorry.

Disha : Stop there... STOP THERE... (Taiga stops) Fine, you don't have to go in with us (Taking Aiden from his arm)

Taiga : Why are you taking him away.

Disha : You might not need your father... But my son needs to know his grandfather.

Taiga : Disha? (grabbing her arm) I'm telling you he hurt me... You still choose to meet him?

Disha : I still chose you after everything Taiga...I  forgave you...

Taiga : Are you punishing me for that?... I fell on your legs to forgive me.. Is that not enough.. I will even fall on your legs and beg here before everyone if you want..Don't punish me by taking me to his home.

Disha : I am not going to ask you again.. I'm going in with our son.

Taiga : Why are you trying so hard to take me into his house when you clearly know I hate him.


(Taiga standing still)

(Letting Aiden down) Come here. (Opening her arms) Come here idiot (Taiga walking to her slowly) You have no brain (Pulling him for a hug) Im trying to make you the Chris I know, only I know I want everyone to see that Chris too... If you hold onto this revenge and grudge you will destroy you... I want to live with you... I don't want to lose you again.. I can't... We made a life together.. (Resting her forehead on his) Let's teach him good. You said, you want him to be kind, then show him how to be kind.

Taiga : (Holding her face between his palms) Will you hold my hands.. (Disha nods)

Disha : I promise I will not let it go... Come, let's go and forgive someone... (Taiga smiles)

(All three are walking in again)

Inside Mr.Taiga's Mansion,

Dining Area,

Mr. Taiga : Where is the shrimp?.. Chris likes Shrimp a lot (arranging the dining table with maids and butlers)

Maid 1 : I see you are so enthusiastic today Mr.Taiga.

Maid 2 : Why won't he be... His son and grandson are visiting him today

Maid 1 : Oh my god.. Really.. (Mr.Taiga smiles)

Mr. Taiga : Did you make those Indian sweets I asked. My daughter-in- law is an Indian..

Butler 1 : Everything is ready sir (smiles)

Butler 2 : Sir, they are here...

Mr.Taiga : Oh! they are here..They are here (Mr.Taiga running to the living room) Please come in (looking at Aiden with tears in his eyes) Please...

Disha : (With a smile) How are you Mr. Taiga

Mr. Taiga : I'm good.. I'm better now... I told you to call me uncle Taiga didn't I.

Disha : Yes..I'm sorry (smiles) Aiden, (signals Aiden to walk to him) Chris let him go.. (Taiga gritting his teeth) Please

(Aiden walking to his grandfather)

Hum! he... He is

(Mr. Taiga pulling him for a hug)

Aiden (smiles) ask your grandfather how he is?

Aiden : How are you grandpa?

Mr. Taiga : Oh! why so formal big man.. Call me poppy..

Aiden : (Giggles) Poppy?

Mr. Taiga : Do you like it (Aiden nods while laughing)

Aiden : This is for you (giving him a card he made)

Mr.Taiga : Did you make this for me (Aiden nods) Ohh! my... Thank you (kissing him) Aiden Angus Taiga (Disha looking shocked)

Disha : How did you... How did you know his name?

Mr.Taiga : I know everything that's happening in my children's life.

(Disha holding Taiga's hand tight to control him)

Thank you Disha... You gave us a family again.

Disha : (Looking at Taiga) We don't want to waste your time anymore...Mr.Taiga we are here to hum..

(Passing him the invitation)

Mr. Taiga : Congratulations (smiles) I wish you all good in your marriage life.

Disha : (Smiles) We want you there.. (Mr.Taiga looking in shock)

Mr. Taiga : But (Glancing at Taiga)

Disha : He wants you too... Can you please come to our wedding.

Mr.Taiga : I would be glad to take part in my son's wedding....Oh! I am so happy (smiles)..I prepared lunch for you guys... You all should eat before you go.

Disha : Oh! no (standing up) we already ate lunch on our way.

Mr.Taiga : Why did you eat?...Don't lie to me.. Come (Disha standing and looking at Taiga) Leave him..He will come around..This is your home too... Come on have lunch with me.. I saw my grandson today... Mercy, Clifford.. Everyone (calling all his care takers and home managers) come here... My grandson is here.. I am so happy. Thank you so mu..


Disha : Taiga?

Taiga : Disha... I was staying quiet only for you... I can't take this anymore... I can't see him act like he loves having a family. Let's go home. Come on...Disha?.... (Disha standing confused)

Fine, I am leaving then... You do whatever you want to do (Taking Aiden from his father's hand and starts walking away)

Disha : Taiga please... Tai?.. I am really sorry  uncle Taiga?

(Mr.Taiga falls down)

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