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Taiga's Mansion--In the Kitchen,

Taiga : Mom?... Why are you doing this again and again.. I told you we have people who can do this.

Elizabeth : (Making an Italian dish) I know..I know (Smiles) I just want to cook for my son and daughter-in-law... It makes me happy honey. Moreover, what am doing in the house except for having free meals a day (laughs)

Taiga : Mom!! You don't have work in your own son's home.

Elizabeth : I know.. But I can cook for my family right.

Taiga : Speaking of family, do you know where Disha is.

Elizabeth : (Smiles) Oh Disha (straightens her voice) I saw her leaving the home around 10 AM maybe.. I don't know.. Didn't she tell you that.

Taiga : Ah?... Yeah.. Yeah... She.... did.. (Turns away from Elizabeth and calls Disha).

Jonas Place,

Disha : I need to go now.

Alex : Why?... Stay for few more hours.

Disha : No !! I can't, If Taiga finds this out, he will make a fuss.. Bye guys..

(Leaves in her car)

Ring!! Ring!!

Oh my!! It's Taiga... Hey Chris.

Taiga : (Straightforward) Where are you?

Disha : (Gulps) I'm on my way to home. Tai? (Taiga hungs up)

Taiga : HUTSUN?? (Hutsun runs to him)

Hutsun : Young Master?

Taiga : How long she has been doing this.

Hutsun : Master I thought she informed you. Usually she doesn't leave her room without informing you sir... Only in case of emergency she will go out with Mrs. Jonas but she will return home as early as possible.. I don't know what happened today.

Few minutes later,

(Disha getting down from her car and walking toward Taiga who is sitting alone in the lawn)

Taiga : Why didn't you tell me?

Disha : Alex called me suddenly, she sounded like she had an emergency, and I didn't know what I was doing.. Moreover, your men are being with me 24/7, I thought they would have informed you. Are they not updating you? (Taiga nods)

Taiga : They did (Standing up and facing her) But I want you to tell me... Do you want me to loose you too.

Disha : (Holds his face between her hands) You men are going outside shifting your concentration on something to make you less stressed... What you think we can do.. We women have some thoughts running inside our mind as well Tai.. We wanted to share it with someone who can understand it.

Taiga : I can understand it too... Why can't you share it with me...

Disha : Are you sharing everything with me (Taiga frowns)..No? (Disha smiles)... I'm not gonna judge you... (Pulling him down and hugs him) We had tea and we were gossiping about some women (lifts his head up and brushes his hair away from his forehead to place a kiss) and then I was watching the kids play and we tried making a new dish.. I will make you someday.

Taiga : (Hugs her tightly) If you want kids, I can give you..

Disha : Idiot.. (Trying to push him away but he carries her in his arms)...Taiga?

Taiga : What?... If I give you toys to play, you will stay with me forever right.

Disha : Don't joke around like this.... Let me down.

Taiga : I will..... On the bed (Disha punches him) Oww!! (laughs)

In the living room,

Elizabeth's POV,

(Staring at Taiga who is entering the house while carrying Disha on his arms)

What the f**k!!... What is he doing?... I thought he would make a fuss and punish her.. But, why is he doing the opposite.

Taiga : Mom... Me and Disha planned to have dinner later... (Disha stares at Taiga).. It might take two or more hours... Is it right? (teasing Disha and smiles)

Disha : Tai.. Stop it..

Elizabeth : (Forces a smile) You kids have fun... I will call you after finishing everything..

Taiga : Great.. Now we have mom's approval too honey ... (Elizabeth clenches her teeth).

Elizabeth : I swear I will kill her one day.

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