Will Not Leave You Again

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Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : (Looking at Taiga who is admiring his son from far) Go.. Talk to him..

Taiga : Oh sh*t Disha, you startled me

Disha : (Laughs) Go and talk to him

Taiga : How can I..

Disha : You are his father... Go.

Taiga :  This time you go.. I will go next time. (Turning to run)

Disha : (Stops him) Damian... (Holding his hand) Go and talk to your son.

Taiga : I'm scared Disha... What if he hates me?

Disha : Then make him love you.. Like you made me... You tried for 10 years to make me fall in love with you... Spend at least half of that year to get your son back..

Taiga : You are different... He.. He is...

Disha : He is you (Taiga nods) Are you afraid to meeting you? (Taiga stands quiet)

Taiga : I don't want to know what he thinks about me... I am not strong enough to handle that..

Disha : Listen... Look at me.. Look at me (Taiga looking at Disha) Aiden is a very kind boy... He is sensitive like you, he doesn't like people raising voice before him just like his father too... If you go and approach him in a friendly way, he will definitely respond to you.. Trust me... Go.. (Taiga stays back) really?.. This whole world is afraid of you but you are afraid of your own son... If you go now... I will give you something later.

Taiga : No, I don't want anything.. Let me go out (running down stairs)

Disha : Taiga... DON'T BE A BABY... (Sighs) Aiden (walking to Aiden who is sitting and playing with his toys)

Aiden : Mommy (running to Disha and hugging her tight)

Disha : How are you feeling now.. You travelled in the flight for the first time..

Aiden : Uncle and aunty were playing with me...I was not bored (smiles) When we will go to our home.

Disha : Why honey... Don't you like this home, it's big and you have a big room too.

Aiden : But aunt Mei, sister Lin and all my friends are there.

Disha : Come to mommy... I know how you might feel. Everything has changed so soon... But trust me you will find new friends here and moreover you have cousins and you have your uncles and aunts including uncle Charles... We can visit aunt Mei and Lin once a month.. Look, honey, Your father went through a lot to find us... Why don't you just give it a try... For me... Will you?.. Will you honey... (Aiden nods) Oh! my big boy.. Smile for mommy then (tickling him) come on smile... (Aiden laughs) Can we go and find your daddy now (Aiden nods)


Disha : Mr. Hutsun, did you know where Taiga is?

Mr. Hutsun : In the garden mam.

Disha : Thank you Mr. Hutsun (walking to the garden while carrying Aiden)

In the garden,

(Disha looking at Taiga who is lost in deep thoughts sitting alone on the garden bench)

Disha : There is your father (letting Aiden down) go honey, go and talk to him... Run

(Aiden running to Taiga holding his toy in both hands)

Aiden : Helloooo daddy..

(Taiga looking in shock)

Taiga : Aiden?... You?... What are you doing here?... Did you have your lunch?... Do you want something?... (Realising what Aiden said) Aiden? (kneels before him) what did you say now (holding both his hands) can you please tell me again.. Please, only once... Please.

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