Give Him A Chance

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Taiga's Mansion,

(Disha entering the room)

Taiga's POV,

(Checking the time and looking at her in silence while lying on the bed) This woman has a lot of nerve to come home at 1 'o' clock, she didn't even call and tell me anything... What is she thinking about herself?

(Disha lying on the bed after freshening up)

What the?

Taiga : Disha?... Disha?

Disha : Hmm?

Taiga : Don't hmm me.. (Switching on all the lights) why are you late.. Why didn't you tell me that you will be late.

Disha : I informed you.. I was in the hospital.

Taiga : Look, that man is a very bad company... Don't go to him.. Your sympathy means nothing to him.

Disha : You don't know that...

Taiga : (Pulling her to him) Look at me while I am talking (Letting her go and exhales) Disha, I don't want you to get hurt.

Disha : Your father is going to die.. (Taiga frowns) That's what the doctors told me today.. If he is not going to co-operate, he will die in a few weeks or months only if he is lucky.... I tried talking to him, but he said he has no purpose to live anymore..

(Biting her lips to control herself)

(Turning to the opposite side while Taiga falls on the bed next to her)

Next morning--Taiga's study,

Hutsun : Master.. Mr. Dragon and Mr. Taiga's assistants are here sir.. Do you want me to take them to study room..

Taiga : Why are they here... Fine, bring them to my study.

After a few minutes,

Mr. Dragon : Hey young man (smiles) How are you?

Taiga : Please sit down uncle.. You look older than I saw you last time.

Mr. Dragon : (Laughs) My days are nearing I guess.

Taiga : Might be so.. How can I help you (leaning on his table while staring at his father's assistant)

Mr. Dragon : About that, I... We need your help.

Taiga : Help with what... You have an emperor in your hand.. What help do you need from me.

Mr. Dragon : To save that emperor.

Taiga : Please leave.

Mr. Dragon : Chris?

Taiga : I can't.... I won't.. I DON'T CARE WHETHER HE IS ALIVE OR DEAD.. Please leave my house.

Mr. Dragon : Your father is a good man... He was only trying to protect you and your sister.

Taiga : Oh really, thanks to him.. Me and my sister are well and good now.

Mr. Dragon : (Sighs) I know it's hard to believe but that's the truth... After your mom's accident, he thought they killed her because of him.. That's why he left the mansion... He didn't know about your mom at that time.

Taiga : That woman is not my mom anymore and he is not my dad.. I don't care about them... SO STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM IN MY HOME.

Assistant : Young Master, please listen to us... I beg you, he might not mean anything to you.. But there are people who are waiting for his return.. Just once, one last time... Come and see him... Tell him to get this operation.

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