Don't Trust

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Meanwhile at Jonas office,

Jonas : Hey Deb!! what a surprise... What are you doing here.

Debe : Something is not right Jo.

Jonas : Pardon!?

Debe : We were supposed to find the murderers... Your brother wanted to prove that your dad didn't murder his sister... And on the other hand you wanted to know why he killed her. Taiga wanted to know who killed his mom.

Something is wrong... I don't know what it is.. But.. Who we are looking for here.. If it's Eagles or some other gang... Why are we looking for them.. The reason behind our search was aunt Elizabeth's murder.. However she's alive now.... Why do we have to go to war now.

Jonas : I didn't think that way... You are right... I didn't hear from Disha for more than a week.. She used to ask questions like this. The weird thing is she didn't even call Al and kids.

Vi : Jo!!... (Looking at Debe) Deb?? what are you doing here?

Jonas : What is it Vi..

Vi : Disha and Dad met today morning.

(Both Jonas and Debe standing up at the same time)

Jonas : What... Wha.. Wha.. Why?

Vi : I don't know.. I just went to grab my coffee on my way to work.

Debe : I knew it... She is hiding something.

Jonas : Come on Deb... She is not that kind of person..

Debe : Then, why is she meeting your dad behind our back... Are they dating?

(Vi stares)


Jonas : It might be a coincidence.. It's a coffee shop, people come and go there.

Debe : So you are saying, Taiga is now allowing his beloved wife to meet other men alone. Okay, paint me surprised.

Vi : We need to talk to her Jo.. What do you think.

Jonas : I will call her.

After few minutes-Disha walks into Jonas office,

Disha : What is it Jo... Vi?... Debe?... Are we in danger again (Standing confused)

Vi : Hey Disha!! Nothing... Take a seat first.

Disha : Come on guys... You are scaring me.

Debe : What did you talk with Mr.Dragon

Vi: Debe?

Jonas : Disha... Let me ask you straight, is something going on in the mansion.

Disha : I don't know what you guys are talking about.. Everything is going great, Why

Vi : We don't know.. But... Are you sure?

Disha : (Smiles) Yeah... It... It is..

Debe : NO.. (Standing up) look, I know that look of yours... I have seen that many times, when you tried covering up for your friends from Taiga.

Disha : (Standing up immediately) Nothing is wrong ... Just don't create problems.

Ring!! Ring!!

(Disha puts her phone on silent)

Ring!! Ring!!

(Debe grabs the phone from Disha)


(Puts on speaker)

Dragon : Disha?... I just remembered one thing, In our old mansion there must some evidences she must have left while working on her plans.. Since she visited the mansion often you might find something that can help you.

Debe : What is he talking about..

Disha : I don't know.

Jonas : Disha.. Please... Tell us what is it... who is he talking about.

Vi : We went through a lot together Disha.. We will see this through too.

Jonas : Please. Tell us who is it.

Disha : Elizabeth Taiga.

(All the three standing in shock)

I know you won't believe this and am not going to complain.. (Picking up her things before leaving)

Stay safe... Don't trust anyone please. Take care.

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