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Irene : Mr. Taiga, I checked your schedule, you don't have any more meetings but you have to review this year's project budget plan.

Taiga : Okay!! bring those documents to my table.

Irene : It's already on your table Sir

Taiga : (Sighs) I will look into it, you can leave now (Irene leaves)

(Checking the time) Why is the time not running fast, I have more three hours to go home... What she will be doing now... Hmm!? (takes his mobile phone and starts typing)

Meanwhile Disha,

Disha : Yes Andrew, I tried searching her room, but I couldn't able to find anything.

Andrew : What if she's saying the truth.... All her visit to palace maybe the eagles work. This is a possibility too.

Disha : Are you saying she sneaked into her palace without being noticed by anyone.

Andrew : Disha... Just think, she was abducted by the eagles eight years before she appeared near the palace. They might have forced her to do something or bring something.

Disha : Taiga said, they left the mansion after 6 years from his mom's death, he was 10 when she got abducted..... Which means they left their palace when he was 16.

Andrew : Yeah and she appeared when he was 18.

Disha : What if she was wating for them to leave the palace. Moreover..


(Checking her phone)

God!! It's Taiga, call you back later Andrew.... Just be safe okay.

(Hungs up the call and texts back to Taiga)

Taiga: Hey hon, what are you doing?

Disha : What do you think?

Taiga : (Flirting) Bathing or changing?

Disha : Really?... Now you started doing s*x talk on the phone.

Taiga : (Laughs) Am just curious..

Disha : Bury your curiosity cat under your feet.

Taiga : Nah!! How about I bury it between your legs.

Disha : (Tingles) wha... (Swallows) Shut up!!

Taiga : (Laughs) What....did I make you wet?

Disha's POV,

So you wanna do this, let's see how long you can hold (Smirks)

Disha : What if I say yes... (Lowers her voice) You made me.

Taiga : (Straightens) Haha... Hahaha...

Disha : But I expect more from you... Wait!! how about I go on top this time... You always wanted me to do that right... (Taiga cracks his throat)

Do you know what am wearing now?... Do you wanna guess (flirts) or do you wanna see?

Taiga : (Murmurs) f**k!!

Disha : I'm planning to do a role play today or we can just role and play on bed.

(Taiga hungs his phone)

Taiga : IRENE?? IRENE?

Irene : (Rushing into the room) Sir!?...

Taiga : I'm leaving home... Take care of everything here.

Irene : But, Mr. Taiga... The plan (Taiga swings open the door)

Taiga : No one must distrub me today (dials) Markus, keep the car ready, am coming downstairs.

*Inside the elevator,

Taiga's POV*,

Damn!! Damn!! (jumping up and down) stop imagining... Stop Imagining (bangs the steel) f**kkk!!

(Running to his car)

Taiga : Go straight to home.

Meanwhile Disha,

(Laughs)... I'm always the winner in this game.. (Throws the mobile on the bed and goes to wash herself)

Few hours later,

Disha : (Startles) Oh my God!! Taiga, you scared me

(Looking at Taiga who is sitting on the bed only with his pant)

What are you doing here?

Taiga : (Throws a mini skirt toward her) Wear this.

Disha : Whaaat?

Taiga : You said we will do a role play.. I want you to wear this..

Disha : (Looking at the skirt) Did you buy this in kids section. I'm not going to wear this..

Taiga : You have to... Or (standing up) I will make you.

Disha : It's just 6 PM Chris... Let's wait till night.

Taiga : Now... I want you now...

Disha's POV,

Why is he looking at me like that... I feel like a prey.. (Swallows)... I didn't even said anything too offensive or did I... (Taiga gritting his teeth)... I can hear him clenching his teeth from here (standing few steps apart from him). Is he alright.. Did I made it worse. But I was just kidding.... He was too right?

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