His Family

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Taiga's Mansion,

(Disha leaning on the balcony railing immersed in the view of night sky)

Disha's POV,

They must have lived happily in that Mansion, I don't know what trauma they went through to leave that huge place... (sighs) His mom looked beautiful, he must have got his eye color from his mom. That mesmerizing blue color....

Meanwhile downstairs,

Taiga : Hutsun, did she came home on time.

Hutsun : Yes sir.... Madam even cooked few of your favorite dishes.

Taiga : (Hides his smile) okay, prepare the dinning... (runs upstairs to meet Disha)

(Opens the door and moves to the balcony)

How was your day.

Disha : Hey, how did you know I would be here.

Taiga : I know.... (smiles) So?

Disha : Oh, it was great..... We had a wonderful time.... And your Mansion looked amazing, I can't believe you owned something like that.

Taiga : (Laughs while removing his coat) Jonas and Vi have their shares too. (unbuttoning his shirt)

Disha : But they said you hold most of the shares since your (Taiga stops unbuttoning)

Taiga : Enough for today....

Disha : Taiga I want to ask you few questions, why do you hate that mansion so much, you have beautiful memories there.... Why can't you go back.... I know your mom di...

Taiga : STOP IT DISHA.... (Disha startles) Sh*t (closes his eyes to control himself) You can talk to me about anything and everything except for that mansion, my sister and my mom.... Register it in your mind.

Dinning Area,

Taiga : Ohh!! Ohhh!! Smells good (glancing at Disha who is busily filling her plate.

(Maids steps forward to serve Taiga)

Wait.... Give that to her (pointing at Disha) let her serve me today.

Hutsun : But sir.. Madam is...

Taiga : Hutsun she cooked for me right (Hutsun nods) then let her serve me.

Disha : (Glaring at him) I'm hungry too.

Taiga : Fine then... Am not eating today.

Hutsun : (Moves toward Disha and whispers)" Please Madam Disha... You know how temperamental he can be, whatever it is please don't show it on food".

Disha : Mr. Hutsun, you are telling that to a wrong person. He is the one who's not giving respect to the food.

Hutsun : I know... I know... But why don't you give up this time... Please mam, do it for me. Just few servings.

Disha : You owe me a lot (getting up from the chair) Mr. Hutsun.. Remember.

(Taiga smiles)

Taiga : Hutsun am hungry tell her to serve me fast.. (Disha stares)... Hmm!! Come on.

(Disha serving him)

It will be much better if someone feeds me. (glancing at Disha)..... I mean anyone can do this.

Hutsun : Let me do it young master.

Taiga :(Smiles and whispers) Stay back Hutsun.

Hmm why is no one stepping forward....

(Disha glares at Hutsun and Hutsun pleases her with his eyes)

Come on guys... Am hungry.

(Disha starts feeding him)

After few minutes-- Near the steps,

Taiga : Hey Disha.... I know you are angry.... But

Disha : Am not angry Taiga am just disappointed.... You don't even share your family issues with me.... How can I help you... How can I be a good wife then.... I...I.. Trust me

Tell me what is it Taiga.

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