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Taiga's room,

Ring!! Ring!!

Disha : Hey Jo!! what is it.. (Whispers) Did Andrew said that to you. Okay, I will be there in a minute. (Turning to leave the mansion)

(Taiga standing before her)

Oh my god!! you startled me.. (Takes her bag to leave)

Taiga : Where are you going?

Disha : Jonas place.

Taiga : (Blocks her path) No you won't.

Disha : I will come back soon.

Taiga : YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE... (Disha stares) You are coming with me to L- country..

Disha : What?... Am not going with you anywhere.

Taiga : Pack your dress. We will be there for three days.

Disha : Am not going with you... I have some work here.

Ring!! Ring!!

Hello!? Jo?... Am on my wa... (Taiga takes the phone from her and smashes on the floor)

What the!! Why did you do that..

Taiga : I said, you.. are.. coming.. with.. me.

Hutsun : Yes master.

Taiga : Tell them to pack Madam clothes for three days. We are leaving to L country.

Hutsun : Yes Master.

(Disha sits on the bed without saying anything)

After few minutes,

Taiga : Markus, is the plane ready.

Markus : Yes sir.

Taiga : Come on.. (Extending his hand to Disha)

Disha :  I told you.. Am not going with you anywhere.

Taiga : Fine (Carries her forcefully)

Disha : You idiot.. Let me go.. (Punching him).. Am not interested in going with you.

Taiga : Take the car.. (Throws Disha inside the car)

After few minutes,

Markus : Good morning sir.. Our plane is ready.. You can find it on our left side.

Inside the plane,

(Disha sitting far away from Taiga and stares through the window)

Taiga : Markus.. Give her something to eat. If she says no.. Bring her to me.. Even if you need to use your force.

Markus : But.. I don't think I can do that sir.. (Both looking at Disha who has fallen asleep)

Taiga : (Sighs) You can go... Don't let anybody in. (Markus nods and leaves)

Taiga's POV,

How can she fall asleep so fast (moves and sits next to her)... I wish we go to normal again (puts his arm around her and lays her head on his shoulder)

Pilot's announcement : Please wear your seat belts, we are going to reach the altitude.

(Disha wakes up immediately and startles)

Disha : Oh God!! what are you doing here.

Taiga : Why are you getting startled seeing me.

Disha : (Sighs) Not this again Taiga.. Not just me, anyone will get startled if they wake up in their deep sleep. (Turning to the window)

Taiga : Don't like seeing me now.

Disha : Chris? (Taiga removes his belt ) what are you doing.. Sit down..

Taiga : Why should I.. Don't act like you care..

Disha : Chris.. Please.. Sit down..

Kindly wear your seat belts we are nearing the altitude..

(Disha removes her seat belt and grabs him)

Sit down (pulls him to his seat)... Stop doing crazy things.

Taiga : Why?

Disha : Because I don't want to loose you.. I don't know whether this is love or whatever it is... I just don't want to see you hurting yourself.. So stop. Stop this madness.

(Taiga sits next to her)

Taiga : Waiting is paining a lot Disha... I don't want to loose you too... I just don't understand why you like Jonas's place than ours, why you smiled at Charles like that but not to me.. Why you are laughing loud with other people and not even looking at me.. It's paining...

(Moves to the next seat)

You sleep now.... I won't disturb you.

Meanwhile At Andrew's place,

Justin : (Setting up the table for running the programme) I'm done.. Do you need anything more.

Andrew : No, this is perfect...

Justin : How many days will it take now.

Andrew : Three or two.. Maybe. (Justin nods with a sigh)

Taiga's Place,

Elizabeth : Hello! why are you calling me.. I told you not to contact me expect for the case of emergency.

Voice 1 : But Madam.. Taiga's men are closing us.. We need your permission to move our base.

Elizabeth : No, Base will be there... I will come with another idea..

Voice 1 : But madam.. We all will die, if we don't move from here quickly (Elizabeth hangs up).

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