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Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : Fine, I accept you know more about me than I do..

Taiga : More than you ??.... Okay.

Disha : (Sighs) I don't know anything about you... (Sitting next to him) that's why am asking you to tell me....


Taiga : Fine, what do you want to know.

Disha : Hmmm... colourrrrr????

Taiga : I don't have favorite colors.

Disha : Okay... food?

Taiga : Nothing in specific.

Disha : Fine, not every people have favorite food.

What about place?

Taiga : Anywhere close to you (holding her hands)

Disha : Oh come on Taiga.... Tell me the truth.

Taiga : I am telling you, I had been busy all my life, never had time to stop and pick colors, foods or places.... I never even thought I will find a person I can love.. I didn't even know I had something like that inside me untill I saw you... Jess always use to make fun of me, saying am made of steel.

Now I know I am not... Thank you for that (kisses her hands).

Disha : You look handsome in grey... (Both laughs)...

(Taiga dialing)

Who you are calling..

Taiga : Hutsun... Gonna change everything to grey.

Disha : Hey!! (slaps his hand playfully) don't do that.... You are spoiling it... I like grey because it's precious, unlike any colours, grey is hard to find.... You can only see it when you want to see it.

Taiga : Hmm (laying back) I see.... (both laughs)

Meanwhile Jonas brothers,

Vi : What we gonna do now....

Jonas : I don't know... (Rubbing their forehead)

Vi : I can't believe we walked into a dead end again.

Jonas : Why did that gezzer hid so well to say nothing. He is so stupid.

Vi : Yeah, he is our dad... What do you expect.

Jonas : Don't give me that crap.... God!! I'm more afraid of Deb now... She is going to kill us.

Vi : Amen.

Jonas : Can you think of something.

Vi : How about we tell her, he's dead.

Jonas : Good, that might give us some time..

Vi : Let's pack our bags, we have nothing here.

Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : How can you suck at video games.

Taiga : Wait (folding his cuff) Now restart it.

Disha : Do you think... It will work... (pointing at his cuff)

Taiga : Just restart...

Disha : Fine, am telling you before.. Stop whinning like a baby if you loose..

Taiga : Say that to yourself... Cuz you are the one who is going to loose here (bites her nose)

Disha : Ouch!!.... Goal!!! (shouts)

Taiga : It's just one goal... Come on.

Disha : (Mocks) okay....

(Taiga slowly slides his hand inside Disha's shirt to distract her)

What are you doing?

Taiga : What?.... (Clutches her bra)

Disha : The hell Taiga..

Taiga : GOALLLLL!!

Disha : Seriously do you wanna play this way... Okay, I can play dirty too (removes her bra inside her t-shirt and throws at him.

What....? (Taiga blankly stares at her)..

Taiga : No.. Not.. Nothing... (takes the ball to the goal)

(Disha sits on him by spreading her legs on both sides)

Disha : Do you wanna win..??

Taiga : F**k that (throws his joystick away and carries her to the bed)

(Disha laughs)

Meanwhile at Mr. Dragon's home,

(Collecting the chopped woods)

(A shadow appears from the dark)

Mr. Dragon : What?

Shadow : Your boys?

Mr. Dragon : I didn't tell them anything.... Don't try to pull anything funny.... If they even loose a hair, I will bring hell to you.

Shadow : You can try.... If they keep this search, I can't promise you anything....

The war has to happen.


Mr. Dragon : F**k!! (drops the woods in anger)

Taiga's Mansion,

Taiga : (Tucking her hair behind) how did you do this to me.

Disha : Do what?

Taiga : I don't know.... (Disha smiles) You are amazing... (Disha pulls him and kisses on his forehead)

Disha : You too (smiles)

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