Price To Pay

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Ring!! Ring!!

Debe : (Yawns) Hello!!... WHAT (waking up immediately) did you call any other members.. Okay, I will be there in few minutes.

Few minutes later,

Debe : Where is he?

Debe's man : Inside the room mam..

Inside the room,

Debe : I didn't expect this from you uncle Dragon..

Mr. Dragon : Debe?... Debe please.. I have to save my Children, she will kill them all if I don't do this.. Please.

Debe : Okay.. (Mr.Dragon looking in shock) fix whatever you came here to fix..

Next morning-Jonas place,

Disha : Did you guys find the room.

(Jonas nods)

Vi : I think it will be better if we go to the roof top, you know no one can fix any microphones in the sky (laughs)

(Everyone staring at him)

Fine... Do whatever you want to do.

Disha : So what we gonna do now..

Debe : We are going to play her game... I asked Mr. Dragon to fix the microphone in the shipment, we have to give her fake paths to make her believe that we are still in her game.

Andrew : Coming through... Guys!!

Justin : Guys.. Listen to this.. We still have hope.

Jonas : What is it?

Justin : Show them Andrew.

Andrew : Guys, I just got the news from one of my colleague... He said, the head of the eagle might be alive still.. While scavenging the area, the team didn't find their head... Count says 33 members of eagles were killed..

Disha : So?

Justin : There are 35 members in eagle including your aunt.. Which means the acting head is running around somewhere.

Debe : Or... Taiga caught his hands on him.

Disha : Thinking back he also said that he is going to avenge him for what he said about me.

Vi : Taiga have him now (falls on the couch) my head is spinning brother.

Jonas : There is no way we can find him in the base.

Disha : What do you mean by that.

Jonas : We have seven floors underground, each floor has more than 20 rooms, where will you find him, how will you find him.

Debe : He is right, we might have done this once and succeeded in it, but there is no way, we can do this again.

Disha : Guys!! this is not the first time we have done something impossible.. We will always find a way, in the end..

Andrew : Disha is right... We have done this before, which means.. We know what we can expect from where... I just need someone to make sure that no changes are made from our last visit.

(Everyone looking at Jonas)

Jonas : Great!!.. I promised Alex, that I won't go back there again.

Vi : You are not going to stay, you are just going to check.

Jonas : I will call Bob..

Justin : Don't you think it will be little risky... I mean, Bob.. I know he is friend of ours but he is also a loyal employee to Taiga..

Jonas : Yeah, you are right.

Disha : How about we go straight into the base.

Vi : And?... And what?

Disha : Come on buddy..

Debe : I have a plan... but I need you Jonas (Vi smiles behind Deb)... and you too Vi.

Vi : What why ( Deb stares)... Okay

Jonas : Fine, one last time.

Vi : If I die before Taiga, please write "a hero is sleeping here" on my grave stone Disha.

Andrew : Don't worry brother, I will make  your grave stone interactive.. (Vi stares)

Vi: Seriously? Even now? P**er BI  shits?

(Andrew laughs)

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