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Taiga's Mansion--Rooftop,

(Disha sitting on Taiga's lap by facing him)

Taiga : (Pulling her close) What is it.

Disha : (Disha holding his shoulders) Can you loosen your grip... Just a bit atleast.

Taiga : (Shakes his head) Nooo..Tell me, what you wanted to say.

Disha : I... Am really sorry.

Taiga : (Exhales) Are you not done with your sorry. I was expecting something romantic (turning his face and sighs)

Disha : (Turning his face towards her) I am serious.... When I said about Vi being my type, I didn't mean it in a romantic way... He is gentler than you Taiga.... Don't you know that.

Taiga : (Frowns) So you like men who are staying down on your feet.... They should not ask or tell you anything..They must follow you like a dog,. Is that right. And am just being the opposite to your type.

You hate me.

Disha : Hey (holding his face) am telling you, he is a nice guy... Look at me... Look (Taiga looking into her eyes) however you are my husband... Nothing can change that.. You might be tough and I might not like it everytime.... But it doesn't mean, I love him.

Taiga : Do you really mean this Disha... Don't play with my feelings for your satisfaction ... I might be blinded by your love but not stupid...Trust me...

Disha : (Kissing on his forehead) Do you believe me now... (Taiga sitting in shock).. I know our relationship is complicated, I can't promise you about our future, but this time, this hour... Everything is different.

I am thinking of giving you a chance you deserve Taiga.

Taiga POV,

Is she talking with me... Everything seems slow. I... Am I deserved to get a chance. Is she willing to give me a chance.

Disha : Taiga? Taiga.... Are you listening (waving her hand in front of his face).

Taiga : Ah..?? Yes..

Disha : Great. Look, I don't know what you are thinking, I decided to get this on road.... You were always trying to repair everything between us, but I was keeping you away from me I didn't even tried to give you a chance...

Now thinking back, thanks for doing everything for me Taiga. We tried being friends which didn't worked out... Now lets try being in a relationship... We will figure this out.

Taiga : Disha... Are you sure?

Disha : Why.... If I say no, will you let me go (Taiga grips her waist) Ouch!!! ah!!

Taiga : Don't ever tell that again.

Disha : God, you are hurting me.

Taiga : Sh*t!! (letting her go immediately) I... I (looking down) didn't mean to.

Disha : (Holding his head between her hands) I can feel... this is not you. (Taiga lying on her chest) I promise everything will be fine (caressing his hair).

Taiga : Let's stay like this Disha..... Don't leave me again.... You... You don't know how it changed me... How it scared me. (holding her closer while lying on her chest).


Diaha : I.... I... I won't.

Taiga's Base,

Akai : Yo!! we were suppose to have a meeting yesterday...

Taiga : Holy sh*t!! (smiles) She is dangerous.

Akai : She... Who.

Taiga :  We will have our meeting today don't worry Akai (Smiles)

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