Secret Call

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Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : So.... What we gonna do next (lying on the bed)

Taiga : Hum.... Wait for the food (lying next to her)..... I feel really light today.

(Disha turning to see him)

Disha : What you would have done if I haven't forgiven you.

Taiga : (Sighs and turns to face her) I don't know (tugging her hair behind) I just hope this is not a dream too.

(Disha pinches him)

F**K!! Disha? AHH!

Disha : (Laughs) It's not a dream.... (Taiga smiles)

Taiga : You crazy woman.

Knock knock

Hutsun : Mr and Mrs. Taiga, food is ready.

Taiga : Shall we...

(Both getting down from the bed)

I am so happy today Hutsun... Give me anything even the worst as spinach....(Hutsun laughs)

(Disha following them from behind with a smile)

Disha : The.....Hum....Taiga, you guys go first I will join you in a minute.

Taiga : Why... Is everything okay.

Disha : Yeah... It is... (laughs) you know nature calls.

Taiga : Okay, I will wait.

Disha : No... No... You go, I will be there (smiles)

Taiga : Hmm (starts moving downstairs)

(Disha running to the washroom)

Disha : Gosh!! (pulling out a small device from her skirt) Helloo!! (husky voice) What the hell guys... Are you planning to kill me here.

Jonas : Am sorry to disturb you.

Disha : No you are not sorry.... This device is suppose to only receive messages in form of text not calls....

Jonas : This is not the right time for it Disha... It's an emergency.... And more over it can only vibrate... So no one could have heard it.

Disha : You can't be sure.

Jonas : Disha... Please, listen. This is really very important..

Disha : Fine.. Make it fast.

Jonas : There will be an important meeting held next month.... We don't know the exact date and place where it will be happening . And I need to find that invitation immediately.

Disha : Okay, what it has to do with me.

Jonas : Taiga has that invitation.

Disha : Cool, you are his brother, so you can tag along.

Jonas : It's not that easy Disha... I can't go there, only one member from a family can go... It's an important social gathering where VIP's and VVIP's around the world will participate and do business.... If we dont find this place then we will have no chance to stop Taiga... And moreover according to Debe's informer, we have a high chance of finding my dad's whereabouts.

Disha : Great... What do you want me to do now.

Jonas : (Sighs) I want you to take Taiga away from the Mansion tomorrow.

Disha : WHAT THE..... (looks around and lowers her voice) what.... Are playing with me... There's no way I can do that.

Jonas : Disha... Please find a way.... We have more works to do...

Disha : But Jo... Just now we got together after a fight, he will not buy whatever I say.

Jonas : He will.... Because it's you.. You just come with a sensible reason to take him out.

Disha : Why don't we just wait for him to go to his office and then we both can look into that invitation together. Hmm.. Okay?

Jonas : We can't do that Disha.... If he returns home suddenly we will be doomed. So please.

Disha : (Low voice) Okay..

(Hungs up)

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