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Jonas's House,

Taiga : I seriously didn't expect this.... So you were lying to me all along... Don't you Disha.

Disha : I'm sorry Taiga, I know you will come to know about this one day... But still...

Debe : Andrew pass the ball here.... Dunks!!

(Claps) Did you see that Jo, that's how you play basketball.

Jonas : DISHA!!?..... We need you here.

Disha : Sorry honey, you are going to loose (laughs and leaves)

Taiga : This doesn't end here.... You should tell me how you learnt that hook shot before getting home..

Damn!! she was so good.

Disha : What's the plan Jo!!

(Jonas, Disha and Vi joins for their group discussion)

Jonas : They are nearing us, if we pull us back now, we will bury ourselves..... I need Vi to go against Andrew and Disha, Taiga is yours... Don't let him take any three points..

I will handle Deb.... Guys, we can do it.

(Disha runs to Taiga again)

Taiga : Seems, Jonas is using the same trick again, am telling you Disha, you can't turn me on while am playing, you are definitely going to loose.... Tell me you will do that with me, I will let you and your team off the hook... Come on, Clock ticks!! (Winks)

(Disha walks to him and runs her hand through his body)

Disha : Really?.... Let's see how you can handle this... (Moves her hand down).

Taiga : Am..... I'm.... Telling..... Ah!!!

Disha : (Takes the ball from him and passes to Vi and Vi scores) Did... you... did you... see that, we scored, now we are 8 points above you.

Taiga : Oh!! so, you wanna play dirty,.... Let me teach you how to play dirty (removes his shirt)

Disha : What the (looking around) wear your shirt.

(Debe misses the shoot while gazing Taiga's abs)

Andrew : (Running to Taiga) Hum!! Sir, I don't think (looking at Debe who is standing stunned by dropping the ball) this is a good idea, our team is getting affected too.

Disha : Taiga, wear your clothes (Jonas scores)... It doesn't matter what you do, we are going to win.

Taiga : MmmMMM..!! (lifts his hand up)  BREAK!!... Moves with his team to the other side of the court.

I understand what Jonas is planning, that tricky ba*trad... I don't think I can handle Disha, so we are switching spots, Debe hold onto Disha, that hook shot of hers will change the game. We can't afford it again... I will handle Jo... Andrew... Vi.

We need to score 8 points, with our energy levels, Debe can run the course for 30 more minutes... Andrew!!

Andrew : (Panting) I.... I.... ha!! ah!!

Debe : Leave him, I will take of them both.

Taiga : Okay.... Let's move (Taiga stands before Jonas)

Jonas : Do we have to go this far, I know you were in our state team, this is nothing compared to any of your games.....

Taiga : I don't want to be a loser in front of my wife Jo...And moreover, I play to win.

(Taiga scores and walks to Disha)

I'm catching up to you...

After few Minutes,

(Disha Jumps up and down)

Vi : We made it (all the three hugs)

Disha : Did you smell that Taiga.... That's called defeat... (laughs)

(Taiga throws the ball in anger and walks away)

Jonas : Disha, you are not helping.

Disha : What... What did I do..... He lost the game.. (Smiles)

Debe : Now, he won't leave this damn house until he wins.... Congratulations (claps her hand)

Disha : Fiiiiiine... (Chases him behind into the woods)

Hey!! stop!!

Taiga : What do you want.... Leave me alone.

Disha : I didn't think you would be such a crybaby.

Taiga : (Grits his teeth)..... Are you trying to get on my nerves, if it's yes.... You are doing a great job.

Disha : Why are you angry (trying to hold his hand but he slips away).... Taiga?... It's just a game.

Taiga : And yes, STILL I LOST IT.

Disha : You lost to me..... Okay, I understand now..... Thank you for pretending to be happy Taiga. (Smirks) Thanks.

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