One Last Check

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Next day---Morning,

Jonas : Is everything ready.... Check everything twice..

Debe : For god's sake..... Will you stay quiet for a minute Jo!! It's been 4 hours 23 minutes 78 seconds..... You haven't closed your mouth.

Andrew : Except while drinking water, and taking break.... If we calculate by assuming the regular interval hours.... The time you (mocks) said Debe... is (Disha elbows him and shakes her head)

Oh!! nothing (makes his face straight).... I was just reading few theories.... You see, quantam mechanics....

(Disha whispers in his ear)

Yeah, I know she will kill me.... (Zips and throws the key away)

Debe : Thank you Einstein...

Andrew : Ah about Eins...

Vi : Will you shut up.

Disha : Toldya!!!

Andrew : I'm nervous too... Tomorrow is the day... We are planning to go into the safest and secretive conference in the world, by going against the world's scariest man....

Considering the situation.... You all are related to him in someways.... THINK OF ME.... He will not even bothered to know my name... I'm gonna die nameless.... My memorial stone gonna be plain and blank.

Disha : Not helping Andrew..... You are an officer.... How can you be a coward.

Andrew : Yeah, but am working in R&D department.... They just asked me to do a favor.... I didn't know it would involve my life.

Debe : Okay.... That's it... Zip it everyone.... I'm done with all your blabbering...

Andrew : (Stands up) No,.... Look guys, at last minute he might sympathize you people and let you live, can you guarantee the same for me.

Disha : Okay, that's it (bangs the table) nobody's gonna die tomorrow.... I will handle it.

Debe : (Smirks) says the woman who can't even seduce her man. You think you can keep him with you with that costume of yours.

Disha : What option do I have when I can't even wear the dress you bought.

Debe : Don't act like you haven't worn a bikini before...

Disha : Yes, I haven't..

Debe : What??.....

Disha : My nana won't allow me to wear it.

Andrew : What you will do in the beach then?

Disha : Bury my legs in sand and build sand castles (frowns)...

Debe : I think I have chosen the wrong side.

Disha : Look, guys.... I promise, I won't put your lives in danger.....And I will stop Taiga..

(Moves out)

Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : Ta.. Taiga?.... What are you doing?.... I mean you came home early.

Taiga : Yeah, I have a very important meeting to attend tomorrow.

Where did you go....

Disha : Ah!?..... Alex place.

Taiga : Okay babe... I have work, I will be in study (kisses on her forehead and leaves)

Disha : (Gulps) I'm sorry but I have to stop you.

Meanwhile outside,

Debe : Jo!! You have to be in perfect disguise and Andrew make sure, you keep tabs on both side.... If something goes wrong, we have to leave without turning back... Justin support Andrew and Vi, you will be our backup. Stay nearby.

Let's not contact each other.... If everything works out well we will meet after three days in our place.

Everything clear.

(Everyone nods)

Jonas : I Hope good.(sighs)Next day---Morning,

Jonas : Is everything ready.... Check everything twice..

Debe : For god's sake..... Will you stay quiet for a minute Jo!! It's been 4 hours 23 minutes 78 seconds..... You haven't closed your mouth.

Andrew : Except while drinking water, and taking break.... If we calculate by assuming the regular interval hours.... The time you (mocks) said Debe... is (Disha elbows him and shakes her head)

Oh!! nothing (makes his face straight).... I was just reading few theories.... You see, quantam mechanics....

(Disha whispers in his ear)

Yeah, I know she ll kill me.... (zips and throws the key away).

Debe : Thank you Einstein...

Andrew : Ah about Eins...

Vi : Will you shut up.

Disha : Toldya!!!

Andrew : Am nervous too... Tomorrow is the day... we are planning to go into the safest and secretive conference in the world, by going against the world's scariest man....

Considering the situation.... You all are related to him in someways.... THINK OF ME.... He ll not even bothered to know my name... Am gonna die nameless.... My memorial stone gonna be plain and blank.

Disha : Not helping Andrew..... You are an officer.... How can you be a coward.

Andrew : Yeah, but am working in R&D department.... They just asked me to do a favor.... I didn't know it would involve my life.

Debe : Okay.... That's it... Zip it everyone.... Am done with all your blabbering...

Andrew : (stands up) No,.... Look guys, at last minute he might sympathize you people and let you live, can you guarantee the same for me.

Disha : Okay, that's it (bangs the table) nobody's gonna die tomorrow.... I ll handle it.

Debe : (smirks) says the woman who can't even seduce a man. You think you can keep him with you with that costume of yours.

Disha : What option do I have when I can't even wear the dress you bought.

Debe : Don't act like you haven't worn a bikini before...

Disha : Yes, I haven't..

Debe : What??.....

Disha : My nana won't allow me to wear it.

Andrew : What you ll do in the beach then?

Disha : Bury my legs in sand and build sand castles... (frowns)...

Debe : I think I have chosen the wrong side.

Disha : Look, guys.... I promise, I won't put your lives in danger.....And I ll stop Taiga..

(Moves out)

Taiga's Mansion,

Disha : Ta.. Taiga?.... What are you doing?.... I mean you came early.

Taiga : Yeah, I have a very important meeting to attend tomorrow.

Where did you go....

Disha : Ah!?..... Alex place.

Taiga : Okay babe... I have work, I ll be in study (kisses on her forehead and leaves)

Disha : (Gulps) I'm sorry but I have to stop you.


Debe : Jo!! You have to be in perfect disguise...
and Andrew make sure, you keep tabs on both side.... If something goes wrong, we have to leave without turning back... Justin support Andrew and Vi, you ll be our backup. Stay nearby.

Lets not contact each other.... If everything works out well we ll meet after three days in our place.


(everyone nods)

Jonas : I Hope good.(sighs)

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