Chapter 6

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                   I walk into the club house holding the girl in my arms , a prospect following behind me carrying the storage container carefully

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I walk into the club house holding the girl in my arms , a prospect following behind me carrying the storage container carefully. I head straight to the room we hold church in , I'm twenty minutes late which means Venoms gonna be in a foul mood . Like I give a shit .

Walking in the door I head straight towards the couch in the back of the room , ignoring the confused stares of my brothers . I gently her lay down , as I do I notice a white envelope safety pinned to her Crewneck . I unattached it from her slowly making sure she doesn't wake up . I quickly check in on the cat who's just napping with out a care in the world .

Turning around I head straight to my seat at the large rectangular wood council table . " sup" I say casually and nod to my brothers . " um , who is that , why were you so gentle with her and who hurt her ? " North , who holds the title of secretary asks . " I don't know , cause she's scared , and I don't know " . Answering all three questions at once , Venom hates when I answer questions with very little detail. " what do you know ?" Venom says growling , like I said in a foul mood .

" brute and the guys found her huddled up in the back of the box truck with a box of some of her things and her cat , scared outta her mind they called me over I got her to trust me enough to pick her up but I pressed on her ribs and she passed out after yelping in pain ."

" wait her cat ?" Viper our enforcer ask absolutely confused. " yeah I think it keeps her calm , the only word she uttered to me was the cats name , Cloud " the guys just shake their head . " what's in the envelope?" Trigger our SGT. At arms asks pointing to the wire envelope siting in the table in front of me .

I shake my head " no idea , just saw that it was saftey pinned to her Crewneck " " pass it here" Venom says and I toss it towards him . Within second he had it open and begins reading it out to us .

To the HellFire Souls ,

By now you have found her , I pray what I've heard about you all is correct . That you protect women and children , and those who can't protect themselves. The girl you have found , her name is Lavender Paige Quinn , yes Quinn as in Allister Quinn the successful businessman , She is nineteen years old.

To the outside world Master Quinn is a successful businessman, but to those that work at his estate or the members of his family we know he's true evil . You see Master Quinn married a young girl named Dorothy Jayne , shortly after the marriage Dorothy fell pregnant with Lavender .

Master Quinn was furious, that she gave him a daughter . To him women are weak , there only purpose is to be a wife and for breeding . Master Quinn forced Dorothy to give birth alone with a mid wife in her bedroom and immediately following Lavenders birth she began bleeding, too much blood to fast , Master Quinn refused to let her go to the hospital.

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