Chapter 31

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   After a lazy morning with lavender and a quick lunch consisting of left over pizza from last night , I'm headed over to the clubhouse for church

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   After a lazy morning with lavender and a quick lunch consisting of left over pizza from last night , I'm headed over to the clubhouse for church . I end up bumping into mouse on my way into the clubhouse . " you been over to meet  Nico" I ask , everyone knows mouse has a special place in his cold heart for kids . He's also super protective of them .

     Venom told me one time while we were teenagers and drunk that mouses mother killed his four younger half siblings . From what I know of mouses early life , his mother became a prostitute after having him in her early teens . I believe he told me she was fourteen when she had him . His mother was a vile human being , when a rich man came along with promises of a better life and asked her to get rid of her kids ....

    The man meant giving them away to like social services , but mouses mother decided to permanently rid herself of her children . The bitch slit all of their throats in their sleep . The kids were all under the age of seven . The only reason mouse is alive is because he snuck out that night to meet up with all of us . We had only been friends for a few months , mouse had just started at our high school that fall .

    By the time mouse got home his mother had gone off to meet up with the rich guy and well mouse found his siblings . The guy has suffered from survivors guilt ever since , in our twenties we tracked down his mom and brought her here to the compound . Mouse tortured her for a month before slitting her throat .

    " yeah I've been over a few times , bumped into Lavy a few times over at their place . You know Fury asked me to be his godfather the other night ." I smile and pat him in the back ,
" congrats brother , you'll be a great godfather ." His lips turn up slightly for a moment . We continue talking as we walk into church .

    When we get inside I notice Noella Garcia Moretti the Donna of the Mexican mafia is still here after her meeting with Venom earlier . I bet they've been goofing off more than actually talking business . I sit in my normal seat at the council table . After the rest of the council arrives we end up catching up with Noa , especially after she just got back from taking down the Greek mafia for good .

    "bullet, you grew up in foster care right?" Noella asks and I squint my eyes confused as to why she's asking " yeah, the foster care system sucks. Those kids deserve better." She nods in agreement " what about your biological parents, you ever look for'em" . I shake my head no  " I was abandoned at a fire house hours after I was born. if I didn't matter to them, then they don't matter to me, but lavender my old lady has got me thinking that maybe it was safer for me to be abandoned then stay with them and that maybe just maybe I should hear them out before hating them."

   " so you would want to know about your biological parents?" I think about it for a minute before nodding "so if i told you I knew who your biological parents were you'd want me to tell you ." I squint my eyes at her in a form of a question" what? so you're saying you know who his biological parents are?" Voodoo, my brother and the treasure of the Souls asks and she nods in response to his question.

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