Chapter 11

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                       I'm currently siting in church with my fellow council members , we've been at it for a half hour already

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            I'm currently siting in church with my fellow council members , we've been at it for a half hour already . " alright , I got a call from Noella Garcia Moretti last night . Apparently the Greek mafia is back on the scene and she's going to war . She also said she's back in Mexico with her family to keep them safe . She asked if we'd be on standby in case her base here on Long Island need anything." Prez says to the group

" shit , the Greeks are sick fucks " viper growls out . " yeah but right now we're staying out of that shit , unless something happens to the Mexican base here on the island ." Prez tells us and We all nod in agreement. " and to our last topic , bullet how's Lavender doing ?" I knew this was coming , and I'm very proud of how far lavender has come in only a week .

" she's doing good , she's a fast learner . We're currently working on making food for her self . I think acid said something about slowly teaching her to drive . Voodoos teaching her about money , and the girls are teaching her a bunch of other things . She told me last night how happy she is , she loves it here but misses her friends from the estate."

" understandable, keep working on things" venom says and I nod . " so how long until you mark her as your old lady ." Mouse asks with a smirk . " fuck off"
" that wasn't a no" trigger says with an even bigger smirk . Fuck them , yeah I fucking fell in love with her . Not like I'd tell her that anytime soon. She ain't ready for that shit yet.

It was impossible not to fall in love with her , she's an Angel . It took less than a week for her burrow through my heart permanently. I know without a doubt she'll be my old lady but right now she just isn't ready . I gotta move slow , he'll she doesn't even know how to French kiss . Every time I try to stick my tongue in her mouth she pulls away and I end up growling.

Fucking hell , she asked me if I was a werewolf. She's been reading one too many of those stupid books . I make sure none of them have sex scenes in them though . She don't need to learn what sex is from some stupid book about werewolves. I still don't know if I'm the person who should have that conversation with her .

I'm thinking maybe the girls , they could probably answer more of her questions from a woman's point of view then I could . Something I do know though , my baby's got a praise kink. Her little thighs rub together when ever I praise her and her eyes dilate . Naughty little girl .

" oh come on bullet , we all know your head over heels for the girl nothing to be ashamed about , you would've thought the first of us to settle down would be bullet ? I certainly didn't think so ." Voodoo says laughing , god I hate these guys sometimes.

" I'm not ashamed, I'm being patient . She ain't ready for that shit ." They all nod their heads in understanding and venom ends church for the day . I head out to my bike and hop on , take off straight to the garage for work . The club and I opened the garage a year ago , we've been pretty successful ever since . With the money we brought in from the garage we were able to buy the land next door .

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