Chapter 26

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     I take Calvin's hand and he leads me inside my grandparents home for the first time

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     I take Calvin's hand and he leads me inside my grandparents home for the first time . I honestly can't believe I'm finally getting to meet the people my mama talked about all of the time . I'm sad that mama isn't here with us but I know she's watching from the stars .

      "oh my" my grandmother gasps with her hand over her mouth and my grandfather stands behind her with his arms around her waist.  " Hi" I say with a wave , my mothers entire family is standing in this room staring at me with looks of shock and awe. " I'm Lavender Paige Quinn , some people call me Lav or Lavy you can call me whatever you like but I don't want to be called Paige , I don't like it " Calvin squeezes my hand to signal that I'm rambling.

   My grandmother walks out of her husbands arms and stand before me
" can I hug you honey", I nod and open my arms . This hug reminds me of my mothers , grandma even smells like mama. I may have been caught sniffing her by grandpa who gave me a smile and wink .

     " you look so much like my baby , I can't believe we have a piece of her again . " I smile at her and tell her
" mama always talked about you all and this farm , she wanted me to understand I had a family out there . I'm so glad we could finally meet ." She hugs me again before moving me closer to grandpa.

      " it's so good to meet you cutie , your sweet soul reminds me of my Dorothy . I've waited for so long to know what happens to my youngest , I'm so very glad she sent us you ." I smile at him and wrap my arms around his waist laying my head on his abdomen. Man is my grandpa tall , looking around the room pretty much every male here is tall.

     Even all of the women are all taller than me . Some days I feel like a fairy in a world of giants . I go around the room meeting everyone one by one , I've definitely forgot some of their names . Lucky for me my husband is good at memorizing peoples faces and names , so Calvin can help me remember who's , who.

    I just finished telling them the story of how I delivered Naomi's baby . We're siting in the large living room catching up , I told them all about my friends at the estate and my family in the MC . I love telling stories of my time on the compound , a lot of my stories from the estate I thought might make them sad .

     " So now you want to do that as a career , that sounds great . What's even better is how passionate about it you are . Your career should always be something you love ." Said my uncle Jasper, I agree Calvin  loves what he does and so does my mamas family . I can't wait until my apprenticeship begins.
~The next day~
Grandma and I are currently in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies , last night when it got late grandpa told Calvin and I , we should stay the weekend in their home . Oh and acid was welcome to stay also , cal and I slept in my mamas old room .

    It had tons of trinkets and pictures of her, I love hearing what she was like when she was young and our family , The Jaynes's love to talk all about her . Grandpa and Calvin are out in the garage , apparently grandpas truck isn't workin right . He mentioned it in passing this morning during breakfast and cal told him he'd look at the truck for him .

      My husband is a very good mechanic, I believe he'll be able to fix grandpa's truck . Acid stayed with grandma and I here in the kitchen . Grandma told me all about how much she loves to bake , and that she has a family recipe book that has been duplicated and passed on through the years .

         So my aunt Delaney went into town to get a new one printed for me after grandma asked her , I had mentioned during breakfast how much I loved to bake and how I was still learning how . So she offered to give me a lesson and the recipe book. Which lead us to now.....

     "Acid! No don't flick flower at me !" Grandma and acid both laugh at my pout , ugh my pout always works on Calvin. I shake my head ignoring them and go back to scooping out the cookie dough from the bowl and rolling them into tiny balls , then placing them on the cooking sheet.

     Just as we were putting them in the oven Calvin and grandpa walked into the kitchen laughing . It seems he and grandpa have gotten close these past few hours . I'm glad , I want Calvin to feel like my family is his family . Just like his family with the MC have become my family too.

     " hi little one , you have fun baking cookies" cal asks as he kisses my cheek, I smile up at him man he's so tall . " I did , were you able to help grandpa with his truck?". He hugs me from behind before saying " yes , it was a simple fix . I'm glad I could help ." I kiss his chin only cause that's as far as I can reach when he's standing tall.

A few hours later the whole family comes back over for dinner , they told me they do this every Sunday but since I'm only here for the weekend they decided to do it every day we're here. I love getting to know my cousins I have a few that are so close to my age . My cousin Katie and I are the same age , we also have a bunch in common despite growing up so differently .

" I can't wait to come visit you and meet all the people you talk about , I'm so happy to finally have a cousin the same age as me" Katie tells me as we sit together on the swing that's on the front porch . " me too , we can get our nails done and go to the diner . I love their food so much !"

Calvin and I told the family all about the fact that I inherited the estate and all the things we're doing to change it. We invited them all to come visit when it's finished , that way they can also visit mama . Grandpa had pulled me aside yesterday and tried to ask me about how mama died , I wish I could have helped him but so much of that night is a blur to me .

The other part is I didn't want grandpa to know how horrible , painful and drawn out mama's death was so I told him a little lie . I made him believe her death was quick and painless , I could see the instant relief in his face and I knew I did the right thing . No parent should have to know how painful their child's death was.

The rest of the weekend was a blast , I got so close to my family in such a short time . I'm a little sad to leave but I know Calvin has work and club duties to get back to and I miss my family from the club. We arrive at the club around noon on Monday afternoon.

Just as we were settling back in the barn house Cal's phone rings and next thing I know he's running out the door and hoping on his bike . Acid comes rushing inside " what's happening acid?" I asked nervously. " the Mexican mafia our Allies there base here on Long Island are under attack the guys are rolling out ".

"Per protocol that means the compound is on lockdown , we need to head to the clubhouse with the other old lady's and their kids ." I nod before grabbing my purse and walking with acid to the clubhouse . When we get inside Naomi finds me instantly

" oh Lavy I was so worried about you , don't worry though these lockdowns aren't all that bad and the guys know what they're doing ." I nod and Naomi brings me over to where the other girls are hanging out and her baby boy sits in his little baby swing. God he's so cute ! Im a little nervous about Calvin , I knew what he did was dangerous but I guess I didn't really realize how much . I just hope he doesn't get hurt .

 I just hope he doesn't get hurt

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