Chapter 9

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              I'm married

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              I'm married . Wow , to be honest I never thought I'd be married. I always knew I'd end up with an old lady but most guys don't marry their old lady's , They tend to stay away from anything legal wise . To us bikers having an old lady is the equivalent of being married but more permanent. We each ink our selves as a brand for our old ladies and they do the same .

         Then the most innocent , beautiful women showed up beaten and bruised asking for help . From the moment I laid eyes on Lavender I felt this magnetic pull towards her . I've always been a protective guy but with her it's like tuned up to a million . Fuck ! I'm so soft around her .

       Part of me knows deep down she'll end up being my old lady eventually and this marriage won't only be on paper . I think it's the reason I decided to change my name . When I was abandoned, shortly after my birth, the social workers had to name me they always believed I'd be adopted, but that just wasn't the case .

       I've truly never felt a connection to the name I was given , I think someday I always hoped I find a last name with meaning . I guess I finally have . Despite the name derives from a cruel bastard , I choose to ignore it cause my wife likes the way her name sounds . She told me it reminds her of her mother and definitely not her father.

     So far I've done a shit job of taking care of her , I underestimated how limited her life skills actually were and the fact that she doesn't know how to brush her teeth or dress herself was a surprise last night. I also learned when she doesn't go to bed on time she turns into a grumpy toddler who throws tantrums.

     Part of me doesn't blame her, so much happened yesterday for her . She escaped the only place she's ever known to meeting a bunch of new people in a new environment with no rules or routines . Of course it's overwhelming. I just need to do a better job at  creating structure for her and learning, what works best for her and what doesn't.

        When venom asked me how last night went , I told him the truth . She truly has no life skills and is seriously overwhelmed. He told me to take the rest of the week off , get her situated and give me time to teach her a few skills she'll need when I'm at work .

        The shocked look on her face when the judge told us to kiss , I know she's completely innocent I doubt anyone has ever had the birds and bees talk so I'll have to teach her that eventually. God damn something about knowing that I'll be the only man to have ever touched her makes me rock hard .

       I know that day isn't anytime soon but I'm a patient man , I'll wait as long as it takes till she comfortable with me touching her. Her fucking lips were addictive, that's for damn sure . While we were taking pictures with the guys and old lady's I snuck a few more kisses . Nothing crazy, no tongue just long pecks .

       After the ceremony and picture taking were finished , we all jumped back on our bikes and headed back to the clubhouse for a barbecue and according to Iris , cake . She told me while she was at that bakery yesterday picking up brownies for lavender she ordered a cake and more sweets . She make sure to order more brownies for lavender, unsure if she'll eat the cake.

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