Chapter 7

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              I wake up on I think it's a leather couch , my back is hurting from laying on my wounds for so long

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I wake up on I think it's a leather couch , my back is hurting from laying on my wounds for so long . I hear a few men speaking , I'm too scared to open my eyes but I hear someone slowly walk towards me . As they reach me I recognize the scent , Bullet. For some reason my belly is telling me to trust him , that he'll do anything to keep me safe . He's also really pretty .

" hi little one, your back must be hurting from laying on it for so long . Can I help you sit up ." I open my eyes to see him squatting next to me , slightly nod my head yes . " okay I learned from earlier so I need you to wrap your hands around my neck and I'll lift you upwards by your hips , okay one three . 1..2...3" owie this hurts but not as much as earlier.

Bullet finally gets me settled on the couch , we're in a very dark looking room with a large and long wooden table . At the table sits very scary looking men all staring at me. I shrink and try to hide behind bullet . He noticed and looked back at the big guys before sighing and saying " we read the letter Inez sent , Lavender I know you're friend Jose told you about us ."

" the hellfire souls ?" I ask quietly, the men at the table are siting in chairs with wheels , if I'm a good girl do you think they'll let me sit in one it looks fun . The men on the chair with wheels roll over to us but still giving me space . " yes little one , we're the souls and we protect women and children and we're gonna protect you . Right now we're in the club house , the room were siting in is called church

We have many men that we call members here , but the guys behind me and myself were the council which means we're in charge . Are you understanding so far , it's ok if you don't you can ask questions "

" are one of you the boss of the others ?" I ask tilting my head to the side . " yes in fact that one right there his name is Venom he's the president, and I'm the vice president." Ooh bullets got a lot of power maybe I can ask him to sit in the chair with wheels .
" now I'd like to introduce you to my brothers , we're not blood related but we're closer than anyone else ."

Bullet spends the next half hour introducing me to each one of the council members and I even spoke to them , there all so nice to me , I made so many new friends today it's crazy ! " ok lavender we need to discuss the contract your father is trying to arrange , we figured the best way to keep you safe was if you legally marry bullet . Now no one is forcing you to be with him . This will just be on paper to keep you safe . What do you think of that ?" Venom asks me gently.

I don't know what to think , I know I definitely don't want to marry Mr Darby . Bullets been nice to me and he's pretty , but I've always wanted to marry for love . Then again venom said it's is only on paper and to keep me safe . Right know I don't know what to do so I do just what Inez told me to . Inez said I should do whatever the souls said would keep me safe . I guess I'm getting married .

" ok , I'll do it but we'll still be friends? And you'll be nice to me ? Oh and who's gonna take care of me ? Inez isn't here to do it anymore " They all look at me with sadness , oh no I didn't mean to make them sad.
" little one , you and I will live together in one of the houses here on the compound. I'll have a bedroom and you'll have a bedroom .

BULLET ( HELLFIRE SOULS MC book one ) Where stories live. Discover now