Chapter 25

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            I knock on the front door to lavender's grandparents house , I can hear that there is a lot of people inside

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I knock on the front door to lavender's grandparents house , I can hear that there is a lot of people inside . After a few moments of waiting a man in his early twenties opens the door ,
" hey , my name is Bullet." The guy smiles at me trying not to laugh " I'm sorry , your parents really named you bullet ?" I roll my eyes at his amusement.

" I'm the vice president of the Hellfire Souls MC , I go by bullet and I don't have any parents" The guy visibly gulps and stands up straighter , " sorry , I'm Tommy . So bullet what can I do for you ?" . I sigh before telling him " I need to speak with your grandparents, Dutton and Dolly Jayne ."

" oh ok um come in , sorry our whole family is over right now we just finished up an early dinner." I nod and walk inside with him and he closes the door behind me " is it a special occasion?" Tommy nods " it's um my aunt Dorothy's birthday , my family hasn't seen her since she got married. My grandparents and their kids never wanted any of us to forget her or not know who she is ."

Shit I had no clue today was Dorothy's birthday , I'm not sure even lavender knows that . When she lived in the estate she never knew what the date was . I think the bastard did it to keep her disoriented. The two of us walk into a large but cozy living room , the whole family is seated around the room laughing and talking .

" who's that Tommy ? " a man who is either his father or uncle asks the rooms attention now solely on us , " this is bullet he's the vice president of the hellfire souls MC , he asked to speak with grandma and grandpa ." I nod agreeing with what he said and I look towards the older couple siting together on a small couch .

" I'm not sure I've ever met you boy ." Dutton Jayne , the grandfather says " we have not met sir , but I have some information about your daughter . I think it's best if only the adults are in the room for this conversation." Dolly Jayne the grandmother gasps " you know something about my baby girl ."

I nod respectfully " I do ma'am" ,
" everyone under fifteen upstairs and turn on a movie" Dutton calls out sternly , he's definitely still the patriarch of this family . Dolly points out a seat for me to sit in , " I'm very sorry but I don't have good news to share , around nine years ago your daughter Dorothy passed away ."

The older couples hugs each other tightly and cry silently, as I look around the room I can see similar expressions from the siblings and spouses of Dorothy's family . Some of the older kids are also very sad . " how " Dutton practically whispers.

" as I understand you're farm was in jeopardy and Dorothy met a man named Allister Quinn , who was a very rich businessman. He offered her a deal to pay off any debts on the farm and give a monthly check to help keep you afloat if she married him. "

" that's true , I begged her not to do it . I would've lost the farm if it meant keeping her ." Dutton says stoically I nod in understanding. " what you didn't know was the second Dorothy entered the gates of Allisters estate she never once stepped foot of that property".

  "Allister Quinn was an evil , cruel , manipulative and abusive bastard . He treated Dorothy like she was a doll to him , he controlled every activity she did and when . How she dressed , what her hair looked like , who she interacted with and so on and so on".

"Dorothy was forced to give birth alone in her bedroom with the help of a midwife ..." dolly gasps " she has a child !?" I nod " yes a daughter her name is Lavender , but I'll get to her in a moment. After the birth Dorothy began bleeding too much , Allister refused to get her any medical attention until she was unconscious".

"He called a private doctor to save her , which the doctor did but left her unable to have anymore children . This angered Allister because he now had no heir , he viewed girls and women beneath him so he shot the doctor in the head . His abuse became worse after that".

"Dorothy did her best to keep lavender away from Allister as much as she could , until one night when she fought back we're not entirely sure what happened that night we have some theories but no facts other than lavender was forced to watch her mother be murdered at the hands of her father".

"Allister also forced her to bury her mother herself , lavender was a smart child and used a pile of rocks to mark the grave discreetly. His abuse and control then moved on to lavender . She had never seen the outside world and was taken care of by the staff of the estate".

"Allister made sure lavender couldn't take care of herself , and depended on him to survive.He also made sure she was afraid of the world outside the gates of the estate . Most of the staff was terrified to interact with lavender but a few heads of departments were her friends . Inez , the head maid was her main caretaker".

"Lavender truly had no life skills , she didn't even know how to brush her own teeth . A month and half ago Inez learned that Allister was going to sign a marriage contract for lavender and an almost seventy year old man . So Inez and lavenders four other friends created a plan to sneak her off the property".

"It was successful she arrived at the garage my club owns and was covered in bruises and cuts . I met her that day and brought her back to our compound. My club voted unanimously to protect her . In order to make it impossible for the contract to be valid I married her Legally . It was supposed to be only on paper but I honestly fell in love with her".

"For the past month and a half I've spent this time tryin to teach her the life skills she needs to be independent, she has grown so much in these past few weeks . She's a smart girl who is just so uneducated, but thirsty to learn anything anyone will teach her".

"She has a family with me and the members of our club . She has friends and even is about to start an apprenticeship for her future career , she's happy . She wanted to come here today to meet you all but also to give you all closure. "

" I was surprised when the payments started again this month ." Dutton says and I nod , " Allister Quinn died of a heart attack , he left everything to lavender . She found out the payments stoped and had her business manager restart them." I also tell them about lavenders plans to move back into the renovated estate .

" you said you had a therory of why they fought that night , what was it ?" Her brother Jasper asked he's Tommy's father . " we think he may have stopped the payments to you all around that time , maybe she found out and snapped. To be honest the only witness was Lav and most of that night is blank . I believe her brain is protecting her from the trauma ."

" and Lavnder , she's here with you ?" The oldest sister Delaney asks
" she is , she's outside with the club's prospects , her guard and best friend Acid . She has ADHD and struggles with anxiety so today has been a lot ."
" can we meet her, I just want to meet the last piece of my baby girl I have left ." Dolly asks wiping the last of her tears .

" I'll head outside and speak with her , it may be a few moments but I'm sure I can calm her down enough to come inside." They all nod and I get up and head outside to the porch . When I do get to the porch I see acid and Lav watching TikTok on her phone . " are your ready little one".

Part one of the double upload today !!!

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Part one of the double upload today !!!

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