Chapter 41

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Today is the day, Lavender and I are moving from the barn-house on the compound to the Quinn Estate

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Today is the day, Lavender and I are moving from the barn-house on the compound to the Quinn Estate. I've recently learned that my wife and my brother the prez Venom went behind my back and purchased the land that separated the compound and the estate.

Meaning that in the future as members build their own homes on the compound the estate will become apart of the compound. It's honestly made the fact I'm moving from the only real home I've ever had , so much easier.

Lavender , North and the interior designer worked very hard to make the estate highlight both lavender and I's personality and style. Truly if I wasn't in the picture Lavender would have turned every room in the estate into well , a lavender castle.

I'm glad to know that just because we're leaving the compound , lavender will still be safe in our home. The estate has its own set of trained , armed guards. The estate is also surrounded by a printer wall, with the enemies the club has I feel a lot better about technically living off of the compound with our future family.

This morning I woke Lavender up early , so she could get dressed and ready for the day

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This morning I woke Lavender up early , so she could get dressed and ready for the day. She put on her new Crewneck sweater Acid bought her for Christmas. We need to pack the rest of our belongings that we have here in the Barnhouse. I had already picked up my stuff from storage and packed it into the box truck I borrowed from the club. It's actually the same one I met Lavender in.

Lavender and the girls, who just showed up unannounced are packing up the closet and the bathroom. I'm currently packing up the bedroom, like our dresser and nightstands. After cleaning out my nightstand I walk over to Lav's . When I open the top drawer I see her chargers , a book , some gummy bears and well one thing I did not think I'd ever see my little one owning.

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