Chapter 4: Pen Pal★ (Edited)

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Today was the day. He was going home; he was scared, that's for sure. He was excited to see his pets, but he wasn't happy about what he had to do. He could leave his old life, take the dogs and cats he took care of, and high-tail it out of there. He could go to those nice small towns he had heard about in books. But...

Y/n packed nothing but the clothes on his back, some meat for the strays, and his phone. He walked into the mirror hall. He pushed past his classmates, going to a corner to wait for the line to go down.

"There you are." The young man looked up from where he sat on the floor, seeing Leona standing over him. "Hey Leona. Heading home?" He stood, brushing off the butt of his pants. "Yep, you?" Leona said glancing down at y/n's butt, checking to see if there was any "dust".

Y/n sighed, "Yep... heading home." They both sighed, "Not too happy about it either, huh?" Leona asked, y/n shook his head sadly. "If you stay, I will."

"Eh!? But you have to go home!" 

"I don't have to. They'd just give me no end of grief if I did. But that's worth it if it's for you." Y/n blushed, "Hey you two! Ready?" Ruggie asked, pulling along a few bags of food. 

"Ready as ever, I guess." Y/n pouted, "If you don't wanna go home, you can stay with me. My Grammy and I would love to have you over." Y/n shook his head, "I gotta go home. Thank both of you, though."

Ruggie shrugged, "Well, my offer stands if you ever wanna come over." Y/n smiled, "I'll remember that. Thanks."

"So we're going?" Leona asked, y/n nodded. "I have to go home; I have zero say in what you do." The lion sighed, "Let's get in line." Y/n nodded, all three of them walked to the back of the line.

They walked to the mirror. "Y/n you go first," he looked over to Ruggie, who had a hand reached to the mirror. "No, no, you go..." 

"What kind of upperclassman would I be if I didn't let you go first?" 

"L/n-kun, he won't let up, just go first." The headmage said: The young man nodded, stepping forward.

"Say where you wanna go." Y/n nodded. "Samoća city," the mirror lit up. Y/n nodded to the headmage before stepping in.

"Wha—did he just say Samoća city?" A hush ran over the hall. "What's the big deal?" Grim asked, Ace and Deuce shared a look. "Samoća city is a cursed city." Deuce informed, "Yeah, everyone there's bad news." Ace said, glaring at where y/n just was. "I hate to agree with Ace, but it's true. Not one person who's come out of that place has been good news. Granted, not many people have."

Did y/n feel like they weren't trustworthy? Did he feel like they would cast him away? Why didn't he tell them? Ruggie's thoughts were racing as y/n avoided his eyes and stepped through the mirror.

Students whispered; the student everyone once thought of as just a shy boy was now revealed to be from Samoća city.

"Alright everyone! Back to it, I have places to be!" The headmage called, and pushed Ruggie forward.


Y/n's days began to get back into the routine he had before going to Night Raven. The only difference was that he had somehow acquired a pen pal. After three days of being home, he saw a letter on his desk. He looked out his open window, then back to his desk, seeing a white dove now sitting on his pencil holder.

"Eh? Well, hello there," he looked over to his cat, seeing her tail flicking in annoyance at the bird's presence. He looked at the letter and saw that, in pretty handwriting, there were only two words: To y/n.

He opened the envelope, "Dear y/n. Hopefully you aren't missing me too much; I've been missing you quite a lot, so much in fact that Oba-Sama (Meaning Auntie) has banned your name from the bakery! Not to worry though; me and Riddle still find ways to talk about how much we (mainly me) have missed you. But enough about Riddle and I~. How are you doing? If you have some free time, maybe you can come visit us! I heard you love sweets. Oba-Sama would surely be excited to see the famous y/n in person~ or I can visit you; of course, I am a gentleman after all! Send your response with Mallymkun (The white dove that delivered this letter); she will know where to go! With much love, Che'nya." Huh, odd; he didn't remember the last time he was sent a letter... It made him happy.

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