chapter 23 - miscarriage

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“Brother Yun, Brother Yun, wake up, you’re going to be late!”
Ning Wan nudged Shen Shuyun’s shoulder as he called for him to get up.

Only after calling for a while did Shen Shuyun open his slightly swollen eyes and sit up from the bed.

His eyes were still a bit closed, and his upper eyelids and lower eyelids were as if they were coated with adhesive. Ning Wan laughed, reached out to rub Shen Shuyun’s reddened eyes, and said with some amusement:
“Get up quickly, why are you so dazed lately; can it be that you also hibernate?”

Shen Shuyun yawned and asked somewhat hoarsely, “What time is it?”
Ning Wan glanced at the wall clock, “It’s already eight o’clock.”
“What!” Shen Shuyun snapped open his eyes and shouted in a high voice, “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier! It’s too late to go there now! It’s over, it’s over; my perfect attendance award for this month is going to go down the drain ……”

Ning Wan was laughing at his backhanded behavior:
“I have been calling you intermittently since seven o’clock, but you did not wake up …… Besides, didn’t I give you a card; there are ten million in the card! Is not enough for you to spend? So why do you care about the bonus?”

“No, that’s not the same! That’s my own salary!” Shen Shuyun jumped out of bed and said while changing clothes, “Besides, I have hands and feet, I can earn money by myself, why should I spend your money?”
“What do you mean my money? It’s called marital property, you should also spend it!”

Shen Shuyun knew that this matter can’t be discussed with Ning Wan who is a rich young master born with a golden spoon, so he didn’t bother to argue any more, he hurriedly washed up, put on a down jacket, and was ready to go out.

Ning Wan called him and handed him his wool scarf that was hanging on the wall:
“Put it on, don’t get cold. Do you need me to drive you?”

Shen Shuyun was still a bit tired and wanted to agree, but once he thought that the worst car in Ning Wan’s garage was a German imported Mercedes, he shook his head:
“No, I’d better go by myself.”
“Then be careful on your way, don’t rush, and drive slowly.”

This villa was actually not as close to the school as his original house. From here, you have to cross two downtown streets to get to the Third High School, and it takes half an hour to drive there without traffic.

Shen Shuyun used to go to work at less than seven o’clock, so most of the time he would not encounter traffic jams, but today he was late and left after eight o’clock, just in time for the rush hour, so the traffic jam was so severe that the queue was like a wriggling worm, moving forward inch by inch.

Shen Shuyun sat distractedly in the driver’s seat, covering his vaguely painful abdomen, his brow slightly wrinkled.

He left in a hurry, and did not have time to eat breakfast, he did not even drink a glass of water; his mouth had only the dry taste of toothpaste, which went straight down his throat.

It was not a good feeling, and made him retch to the point of vomiting.

He thought maybe he had eaten something bad otherwise his stomach wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. He felt a painful swelling, and even his lower back started to ache with writhing force.

Today Shen Shuyun’s class is in the second period, he rubbed his flat belly and drove towards the school, intending to go to the hospital after work to have a look and get a prescription for some medicine to relieve the pain.

After class, Shen Shuyun’s forehead was already full of cold sweat. The girl who took the test paper to the teacher to look at the essay saw Shen Shuyun’s pale complexion and asked:
“Teacher Shen, are you okay? You don’t look too well. Why don’t I come back to you tomorrow?”

Shen Shuyun shook his head, looked down and skimmed through the essay, then pointed to the beginning of her essay and said:
“Your beginning is too long, so its central idea is not clear, it would be better to delete these two sentences……”

As he said that, he picked up his red pen and circled two sentences on the essay.
The girl nodded, took the test paper over and whispered to Shen Shuyun:
“Thank you teacher.”

Shen Shuyun walked out with a pile of books in his arms, his pace a little shaky; by the time he got back to the office, his back was already sweating, wetting the thin jumper on his body.

He drank some hot water and slumped over his desk, falling asleep in a daze.

He was woken up by a colleague.
“Mr. Shen, it’s lunch break time, do you want to go for lunch first?”

Shen Shuyun lifted his face from his arms, he was no longer as scared as he had been in the morning, the pain in his abdomen had subsided a lot, and he had gathered some strength to speak, so he stood up and gave a faint smile:
“Yes, thank you.”

The female teacher and him had a brief lunch together in the teachers’ canteen, after which he returned to his office alone to write his lesson plan and prepare for what he was going to teach in the afternoon.

Shen Shuyun had wanted to go to the hospital, but the second class he had to teach today happened to be scheduled in the first period of the afternoon; it would be too late to go to the hospital to register for a medical appointment, so he planned to endure it a little longer and take time off after this class to go to the hospital for a checkup.

However the pain came back halfway through the class.

Shen Shuyun spoke a little bit intermittently and felt that he just couldn’t stand up anymore, so he half leaned on the podium and tried to hold on to finish the rest of the lesson.
By the end of the class, he was almost leaning all over the podium, with no strength left at all, his hands and feet were too weak…. He felt for the first time that a class of forty-five minutes was so long.

When the bell finally rang, Shen Shuyun rubbed his temples for a while and rested for two minutes before slowly moving his steps and walking towards the outside of the classroom. His office was on the east side of the ground floor and he had to go down one floor and cross a long corridor to get there.

However, a sudden change occurred….

A student suddenly rushed up to the corner of the stairs, seemingly playing with someone behind him.

Shen Shuyun was unable to dodge and was suddenly hit hard, scattering the books in his hands to the ground, while his body, which was already weak, lost its weight and stumbled towards the stairs…..

The boy who saw the fall of Shen Shuyun’s body at this time, hurriedly tried to reach out to stop him, but in the end was a step too late and failed to tug on Shen Shuyun’s falling body.
Shen Shuyun subconsciously reached out and grabbed for something to stabilize his body, but in the end, his grip was empty and he rolled down the stairs in a mess.

Shen Shuyun’s soft abdomen knocked against the steps as he tumbled, he felt the sky turned upside down before his eyes, followed by a heavy landing on his rear end and a hard fall onto the cold floor tiles, while a sharp pain suddenly flared up from his abdomen!

“Ah ……” Shen Shuyun curled up on the ground, covering his abdomen, and couldn’t help but shudder and moan out, “It hurts ……”

It was really too painful, too painful.
The tearing pain was as if a sharp knife was stirring in his abdomen, churning up all his organs, or as if it was a piece of cold iron, sinking down in his abdomen, as if to take away all the warmth of his whole body, spreading from his abdomen down his spine to all his limbs, an unspeakable pain.

The boy ran down and tried to help Shen Shuyun up, but he found that Shen Shuyun spasmed and let out an even harsher cry of pain as he tugged, and stood there woodenly, not knowing what to do.

No one knew who shouted first, “Hurry up and call an ambulance!”

Then, students passing by also gathered around, some fumbling to call the ambulance, others squatting down and shouting for their teachers….

Shen Shuyun’s last consciousness lingered on the wet, hot and sticky blood between his legs and the terrified cries of the students around him.

His vision was so blurred with pain that he couldn’t even recognize who was around him, but a painful and powerless sense of foreboding suddenly came over him – it was as if he was about to lose something.

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