chapter 35 - Divorce

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  "After my mother died, my father and I had a very bad fight and even moved out from home." Ning Wan laughed, "At that time, I was always naive and stupid. I don't know if it was due to puberty. Sexual differentiation came together, and I always did something rebellious to deliberately anger my father.
Thinking about it now, there was an element of anger in it, but more of it was just to attract his attention, but my father was always too lazy to do it. One look at me and he would directly call his secretary to communicate with me if he had anything to do... After my mother died, no one would attend parent-teacher conferences for me anymore."

  When he talks about these things now, it is tantamount to exposing his own scars, but there is not much pain on his face. It seems that time has sealed those past things, so he talks about it as if he is talking about other people's things, calmly and without worry.

  "I was eleven years old. During the summer after I graduated from elementary school, Luo Xiao and I made an appointment to go swimming in the Weiming River - the Weiming River is a river in my hometown, R City. We went swimming there, firstly out of novelty, and secondly, it was out of rebellion because my father told me on the phone not to go swimming in the river.”

  Shen Shuyun's heart shrank, he always felt as if he had heard of Weiming River somewhere...

  "I thought I was a good swimmer, so I went down to the river to swim, but I forgot about it for a moment, swam out of the shallow water area, and swam to the middle of the river. Sometimes, it just happened that my calf cramped in the water, and I didn't feel it at all. I couldn't help shouting for help, but so much water poured into my mouth and nose... I was so scared at the time, I really thought I was going to die in the river." Ning Wan paused, then continued, "But, there was someone swimming toward me. He came over, lifted me out of the river, and pulled me to the shore, and he saved me.”

  "At that time, my mouth and nose were full of water, and my mind was not very clear. I tried hard to see the person clearly, but I couldn't. I didn't even say a word, even if I just asked what's your name? What." There was a hint of unspeakable tenderness in Ning Wan's eyes, as if recalling this past should be gentle, "But when he leaned down, I smelled that boy's pheromones...his message Su is jasmine, he is an omega."

  Shen Shuyun's face suddenly turned pale. He grabbed the corners of his clothes, his palms covered with cold sweat. He stared at Ning Wan, and the blood in his body gradually cooled down.

  "You...what do you want to say?"

  At this moment, what Shen Shuyun really wanted to say was not this. In fact, he really wanted to shout to Ning Wan, stop talking, stop talking, please.

  "I started frantically looking for an omega whose pheromone was jasmine. I searched for many, many years...because from that day on, I couldn't forget him. As I searched year after year, my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger. The deeper I got, the more I thought I must have him. I even sent out so many missing persons notices, but could not find an omega whose pheromone was jasmine, because there are too few omegas with pure blood in the world... Until, I I met you in that car accident."

  "But I've never saved a drowning boy!"

  "Yes, you have indeed never." Ning Wan looked at him, his pupils were like a sea of ​​ink, dark and dark, and no one's shadow could be seen in them, "It's me, I recognized the wrong person."

  Shen Shuyun was trembling all over, feeling as if a large bucket of cold water had been poured over him from top to bottom, and there was a big hole in his chest. The wind was howling in there, making his heart beat loudly. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Ning Wan in disbelief. It took him a long time to find his own voice from his bloody throat. His lips trembled and touched up and down, and he made up a sentence: "So, Ning Wan, what do you mean? Do you like me just because my pheromones smell like jasmine, or because you think of me as the benefactor you have been searching for for so many years?"

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