chapter 27 - recognizing mistakes

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Tang Yichuan reached out to remove the annoying puppy from his body and said with a smile, “Don’t hurt me, be serious, I’m here for a job.”

“What do you mean by job hunting, aren’t I the one that called you to help out!?”

Ning Wan stood behind them and coughed lightly, “Ning You, stop it, tell Mr. Tang …… Tang to come in and have a seat first.”

Only then did Ning You take two steps back, allowing Ning Wan to finally get a clear look at Tang Yichuan’s face.
He had a fair complexion, looked to be in his early thirties, and carried a sharp coldness between his eyebrows, like a rose that could only be seen from afar, but if one were to get close to him, one would be touching a hand full of thorns.

Even in July, he was wearing a high-collared trench coat with a black collar that clung to his neck, and the belt around his waist was so firmly put together that his whole person looked like he was made of ice.

Tang Yichuan walked in, shook hands with Ning Wan and elegantly settled on the sofa at the side: “Hello, Mr. Ning, I am a lawyer, may I ask if you want to recruit a legal advisor?”

After saying this he sent his resume in PDF format to Ning Wan’s phone.

Ning Wan looked carefully at the resume of this lawyer Tang, but surprisingly he is really a famous school graduate, experienced and could be considered a rare talent, so he simply asked Tang Yichuan a few questions, and then laid out the contract for him to take a look at and discuss the lawsuit together.

Ning You could not understand these things that were so boring to him, he only wanted to talk to Tang Yichuan, who had just returned to China, so he left first, and in the evening, he asked them to have dinner together.

Ning You found a good Sichuan cuisine restaurant so he booked a small private room and brought a bottle of wine to drink while chatting with Tang Yichuan:
“Brother Chuan, you have not come back for so long, why do you suddenly want to come back? You have a boyfriend in the United States, so how come you left that foreigner behind and came back?”

“We broke up a while ago.” Tang Yichuan pursed his lips and dropped his eyes to stare at the rising bubbles in the wine glass in front of him; he then tilted his head and drank the glass clean in one shot, “I did not want to stay there; they are some annoying things that I couldn’t stand.”

Ning You also had enough common sense to know that he has asked the wrong thing so he hurriedly changed the subject:
“Then brother Chuan since you returned why did you choose to come to W City to develop your career instead of going back to your hometown in R City?”

“I told my parents that I haven’t been back for years, after all, I left the country in my senior year ……W City is a little bigger, and I want to start over in a place I’m not familiar with.”
Ning Wan looked at Tang Yichuan with some curiosity; he always felt that Tang Yichuan had a sense of familiarity that he couldn’t explain: “You’re also from R City?”

“Yes,” Tang Yichuan responded, raising his glass and smiling at Ning Wan, “I didn’t expect to be from the same hometown as Ning Wan, what a coincidence.”

Tang Yichuan was not a good drinker; he only drank two cups of wine before his cheeks became stained with a peach color which was particularly clear on his fair skin.

He felt a little hot, so he took off his outside jacket and hitched it on the back of his chair.

When he was halfway through the meal, Ning You went out to answer a phone call and came back with a smile saying that he suddenly had something else to do and left in a hurry leaving Tang Yichuan and Ning Wan behind.

Ning Wan was not sure about Tang Yichuan’s drinking capacity, so he let him drink one glass after another, until Tang Yichuan drank the whole bottle of sparkling wine by himself and drunkenly asked Ning Wan for more wine, only then did he realize that Tang Yichuan had drunk too much.

Tang Yichuan usually looks cold and icy, but after drinking wine he had a different look.

When he saw that Ning Wan did not give him wine to drink, he stood up and stumbled to go outside and find more wine to drink by himself.

Ning Wan who couldn’t let him mess around, saw Tang Yichuan about to stumble and fall on the ground so he quickly went over and helped him by holding his shoulders.

Ning Wan subconsciously wrapped his arms around the drunken Tang Yichuan who was unconscious and moving wildly in his arms.

The glands at the back of his neck also reddened, spreading out wisps of pheromones. The black hair on his shoulders brushed against Ning Wan’s face and so the back of his neck was exposed during the struggle, a snow-white neck crooked on Ning Wan’s shoulder, Ning Wan’s pupils suddenly shrank, looking incredulously at the person talking to himself with his eyes closed on his shoulder –
This omega’s pheromones… unexpectedly they are also a jasmine flavor!

But unlike Shen Shuyun’s glands, which he had kissed hundreds of times, the pheromone emanating from the back of Tang Yichuan’s neck were a rich jasmine fragrance mixed with a hint of cool mint flavor – in a flash, Tang Yichuan’s pheromone were like a mint candy dropped into a cola, provoking a huge shock to Ning Wan, their flavor penetrated almost instantly and brought back memories of more than ten years ago.

Carrying a bit of mist, the smell of the cold jasmine fragrance …… the teenager leaned over and called him against his face …… the hot, dry wind sent the cool, clear jasmine pheromones into his nose, so that he was enchanted in that instant and since then, apart from that teenager no one could get into his eyes again.
A terrible thought suddenly arose in Ning Wan’s heart.

It was love at first sight… right? Love at first sight.

Could it be that his love at first sight was basically towards the wrong person?

“Tang …… Yichuan ……” Ning Wan’s voice was low and hoarse, trembling like an old radio, shattering a few syllables:
“You, more than ten years ago, a decade ago, have you ever saved a drowning boy in the Wei Ming River ……?”

“A boy?” Tang Yichuan closed his eyes and slowly re-opened them, they moved with a layer of fog, but soon the fog gradually dispersed:
“Well, it seems that the summer I graduated from high school, I saved a little kid ……”

Tang Yichuan squinted his eyes, seemed to be trying hard to recall the scene of that year: “I remember him; he was a very early differentiated alpha ……”

Ning Wan’s eyes gradually became hot, he traced the face of the person on his shoulder with his gaze; he could see the fine lines at the corners of the eyes, the tiny mole next to the nose and the warm orange light covered Tang Yichuan’s face that felt like a light and soft veil.

“So …… your name is Tang Yichuan.”

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