Chapter Four - Y/n

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"What's it like to get complimented by Bille Eilish, Y/n?" Michael asks. I smiled.

"It feels like. Being complimented in general is nice but by Billie Eilish? It's crazy." I told him.

We're all in the boys' hotel room smoking and getting really high. Liam's passed out, Gianna is eating everything she can find, and Michael and I are just chilling. It's funny how differently weed can affect you. I started looking for my phone to check the time. I finally find it on the floor next to me. Two AM?!

"Hey, G, it's 2 in the morning. We should probably head back to our room soon." I told her. She looked at me, and all she did was give me a thumbs up. She has no idea what I just said. I look back at my phone. I have a text on Instagram. I unlock my phone to look at it through the notifications. I freeze when I see that it was Billie, who texted me. "What the fuck," I muttered.

"What is it?" Michael asked.

"Billie Eilish texted me on Instagram," I told him.

"What?" Both he and Gia said in unison.

"What did she say?" Gia asked.

"She sent me a picture and then said 'Hey, is this yours? I found it in my bad and didn't want you to think it's lost if it's yours."

"What is she talking about?" Michael asked. I shrugged and turned my phone off.

"I have no idea, but I'll check it tomorrow. I am too high, and it's too late for me to care right now." I said and stood up.

"You leaving?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's late, and I need to sleep," I started grabbing all my stuff. "But before I go, can I get one more hit?" I asked him. He nodded me and handed me the joint, and I took a hit.

"Do you want me to come back with you?" Gianna asked. I shook my head.

"Not if you don't want to. You can stay," I said and took another hit.

"Hey, you said one hit!" Michael said. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to take a third before I gave it back to him. "That's gonna fuck you up." He warned and I shrugged.

"Oh well. At least I don't have any responsibilities right now." I said and left.

When I got back to my and Gia's hotel room, I changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed into one of the beds. I grabbed the remote control turned the TV on, and started watching cartoons. It may be childish, but I love watching cartoons, especially when I'm high. It makes me happy.

I can't believe Billie Eilish texted me. That's fucking crazy. I really wanna know what the hell she's talking about, though. Is she implying that I lost something? And if I did, how did it end up in her bag? And why is she just now texting me about it at two in the morning? Whatever. That's something for sober me to figure out. I just need to get some sleep.


I wake up to the bright ass sun coming through the curtains again. That's something I could live without, to be honest. I roll over to face away from the window and grab my phone.

"It's three in the afternoon?!" I said out loud to myself.

"Oh, my God can you shut the fuck up? Some of us are trying to sleep!" I over to the other bed and see Michael.

"Michael, what the hell are you doing in my room?" I asked him.

"Gia took my bed, and I wasn't about to share a bed with Liam, so I found Gia's room key and came over here. So can you please shut up?" I rolled my eyes, and he laid back down.

I unlocked my phone to see if anybody had texted me. I got a text from my brother and my sister, both of them asking how I'm doing and how LA is. I'll text them back later. I also see a text from Billie. What the fuck? I mean, I kind of remember seeing it last night, but that doesn't make it any less surprising. And concerning. Why the hell would she be texting me? I click on the notification to see what it is.

It's a picture of a necklace along with a text that says, "Hey, is this yours? I found it in my bag and didn't want you to think it's lost if it's yours." The necklace is mine. It's one I've had since I was 15. I can't believe I didn't realize I lost it. I mean, I don't always wear it, but I always have it with me. Did it fall out of my stuff when I ran into her and got lost with her stuff? Maybe. I should text her back so I can get it back.


Me: Yeah, that's mine. Is there any way I could get that back?

That's probably a stupid question to ask. Of course, I could get it back. It would really piss me off if I couldn't. She responds in just a few minutes.

Billie: Yeah, of course you can. You wanna meet somewhere and I can give it to you?

Me: That would be nice. When and where could you meet?

Billie: How about in an hour at the coffee shop from yesterday? Does that work?

Me: Yeah that works

Billie: Great. I'll see you then

I smile and put my phone down. I should probably get around if I need to be there in an hour.

I showered, put on a T-shirt and some shorts, brushed my teeth, and dried my hair. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Michael standing by the hotel door. He looked at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Listen, I know you like singing when you're in the shower but please for the love of God be quiet when you know someone is sleeping near you." He begged. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I'm going to my room and I'm sending Gianna back here." He said and left. I sat down on my bed and looked at my phone. I still have another fifteen minutes before I have to leave in order to be there on time. I look up and see Gianna walking through the door. She looks like hell and that makes me laugh.

"Shut the fuck up," she said in an annoyed tone.

"Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I joked and she rolled her eyes and lay in her bed.

"Where the hell are you going?" She asks.

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere,"

"You have that look on your face like you have somewhere to be at a specific time and you're around for the day knowing you got high as shit last night," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you must know I'm going to go see Billie," I told her. She sat up immediately and looked at me.

"What?" She asked and got up walking over to me. "What do you mean you're going to see Billie? Like Billie Eilish. The same person we saw perform two days ago. The same Billie that you literally ran into at the coffee shop yesterday?" She asked and I nodded. "Oh, my God. What? Why?"

"She texted me last night sending me a picture of the necklace that I got when was fifteen and asked if it was mine because she didn't recognize it and it somehow ended up in her bag instead of mine. I told her it was mine and she said we could meet up at the same coffee shop so I could get it back." I explained to her. A big smile formed across her face. "What? Why do you look like that?" She shook her head and laughed.

"Nothing, nothing. You enjoy your little trip," she said as she laid back down in her bed. I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything else about it. I looked at my phone again to see the time. Oh, I better get going.

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