Chapter Twenty-Six - Y/n

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A knock on the hotel door was what woke me up. It was very fast and aggressive knocking. I looked over to see Billie still asleep. I smiled as I noticed all the hickeys on her neck. fast and aggressive knocking started again. I rolled my eyes and got up. I grabbed a shirt, put it on, and made my way to the door. When I opened it, it was Claudia and Finneas. I smiled at them.

"Hey, guys. Was there something you needed?" I asked.

"We were wondering if you and Billie wanted to come to breakfast with us, but it looks like you just woke up," Claudia said.

"I did. Your aggressive knocking is what woke me up. I'm surprised Billie slept through it," I told her.

"I can't imagine why you're so tired," Finneas mumbled with a smile on his face.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing," he says. "Just we were gonna ask if you guys wanted to come to dinner with us last night, but you sounded... preoccupied." My face got red out of embarrassment.

"Oh, my God. You guys heard that?" I asked with my hands covering my mouth.

"Hey, I mean, I think I found out another reason why my sister likes you so much," he adds.

"Shut the fuck up," I said and they laughed.

"Well, I guess we'll leave you two to sleep because obviously, you didn't get enough last night," Claudia says and they walk away. I close the door and walk back to the bed to see Billie awake. She smiles at me.

"Who was that?"

"Fin and Claudia," I tell her.

"What did they want?"

"They wanted to see if we wanted to go to breakfast with them."

"We could've."

"Yeah, well, I don't think you'd want to do that."

"Why not?" She asks as I climb back into bed with her and cuddle into her side.

"They heard us last night."

"What!" I laugh. "Were we that loud?"

"I don't think so. They came to our room to ask if we wanted to go to dinner and heard us so they just left."

"Oh, my God. That's so embarrassing,"

"How do you think I felt when Finneas was the one who told me that they heard us? Your brother said that he heard us." Now she laughed. "It's not funny,"

"Well, you would probably get shit from Claudia anyway so what does it matter?"

"When Claudia says it it's whatever but it was your brother this time. That's so much worse!" I tell her.

"You'll live,"

"I will not,"


A year. A whole year that Billie and I have been together. I am so happy with my life. I can't believe it's been a year already. It's been the best year of my life. She makes me so happy. But unfortunately, we can't really spend it together because she's getting ready to go on stage for another show. However, we've already made a plan to do something tomorrow when there's nothing going on.

"Y/n, baby, do you wanna do my hair?" She asks me.

"Sure," I say and walk over to her. "What would you like?" I ask looking at her in the mirror.

"Umm, let's do two simple braids. Keep it simple," I nod and start doing just that. "So, I was thinking," she starts but stops.

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