Chapter Twenty-Eight - Y/n

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-⚠️Underage drinking⚠️-

"Y/n, are you coming back?" Eva yells at me. Goddamnit! I just want to talk to my girlfriend. Whatever. I guess I'll talk to her later. 

"Yeah, one minute!" I yell back and look back at Billie. "I guess I gotta go. I don't wanna get yelled at even more. I'll talk to you later. I love you," I say.

"I love you," she says, and I end the call and walk out of Gia's bathroom. 

"There you are!" Eva says, walking over to me. She's drunk. Gia and Michael have drank a little too, but neither of them has even finished their first drink. She's like six in. "What were you doing in there?" I roll my eyes.

"I was on Facetime with my girlfriend," I tell her, making sure she heard girlfriend.

"Girlfriend? You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I do,"

"Damn. That sucks," she mumbles, and I go back and sit by Gia and give her a look. She just shrugs. "You want a drink, Y/n?"

"No thanks,"

"Are you sure? You haven't had anything," she says.

"I know, but I still need to drive home later, so I'm not gonna do that," I remind her.

"You can just stay the night here with Gia and I," 

"No, I would rather go home and call my girlfriend," she rolls her eyes.

"You'd have a much better time here with us than at home on the phone with your girlfriend,"

"Doubt it," I mumble.

"Come on. Please?"

"Eva, stop. She said no. Leave her alone," Gia says. Eva rolls her eyes again and sits on the ground.

"Whatever," she mumbles. "So, Y/n, what's your girlfriend's name?"

"Billie," I tell her.

"That's interesting," she says. "How long have y'all been together?"

"A year and three months,"

"Oh, so you've been together a while," I feel like it's better to just answer these questions than to ignore her. I've tried to ignore her. It makes her come near me more. "But how much do you actually like her?"

"Eva!" Gia says.

"I love her with everything in my body," I tell her. 

"You know, her name reminds me of Billie Eilish. Do you know who that is?"

"Yes, I do. That's my girlfriend," she quickly looks at me.

"You're lying!" I shook my head. "I don't believe you at all. Do you have proof?"

"Yeah, but I don't need to prove anything to you,"

"Sure," she says sarcastically. I roll my eyes again. "Even if that is true, you shouldn't have to call her all the time just to talk to her. You need to get with someone who actually has time for you. Not their shows and fans and interviews. I bet she doesn't even like you at all." 

"Okay, you're done!" Gia says, standing up and taking the bottle out of Eva's hand. "Let's go. Get up,"

"But I don't wanna,"

"Well, you're going to because the shit you're saying is inappropriate, and you need to stop,"

"It is not inappropriate. I'm just stating facts. A famous person isn't gonna love an normal person. I highly doubt anything she's saying is true. Have you ever seen her with Billie?"

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