Chapter Thirty - Y/n

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I wake up to the bright ass sun shining in my face. What a way to wake up. I roll over to see Billie, but she isn't there. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She's not there either. All of her stuff is here, but she's not. Where the hell did she go? I left the room and went to Finneas' room.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Is Billie with you guys?" I ask.

"No, I haven't seen her since the show ended last night. Why?"

"Well, she's not in our room, and I don't know where she's at,"

"Claudia, have you talked to Billie?" He asks.

"No, why?" She asks, walking over to the door.

"Y/n hasn't seen her, and she doesn't know where she's at,"

"I'm sure she's fine. She probably just went to go get breakfast or something. I'm sure she'll show up eventually," she reassures me. I sigh.

"Maybe you're right. I'll see you guys later," I say and go back to my room. I'm gonna text her.

Me: Hey, where are you

I start getting around for the day, and maybe she'll have texted me back by the time I'm done.

After two hours, I still haven't heard from her, and she's still not back. I guess I should call her. Nothing. What the fuck? Oh, shit. I forgot I have her location. I don't know if I want to look at that. I don't want to seem like a stalker, but we have it just in case something bad happens. But that's not much help, either. She turned her location off. What's going on? Did I do something? I just got back. How did I already do something? My phone buzzes, and I quickly pick it up. It wasn't Billie.

Claudia: We're going to breakfast? Wanna come with?

Me: Yeah, sure

I met them in the hallway.

"Have you heard from Billie yet?" Claudia asks me.

"No. I've called and texted her, but I haven't gotten anything. She even turned her location off," I tell her.

"That's weird. I bet she's just going through something,"

"Are you not even a little bit concerned?"

"I mean, I am. But this is Billie. She's always doing some shit like this,"

"So she's disappeared without saying a word before?" She was quiet for a minute.

"No, she hasn't," she said quietly.

"Exactly. That's why I'm so concerned,"

"Okay, I get it. Let me call her and see if she answers," she pulls her phone out and calls Billie. "Nothing," she sighs. "Okay, now I'm concerned. Finneas call Billie and see if she answers." He nods and does so.

"She didn't answer," he says after about a minute. "Why? What's going on?"

"She's not answering me, you, or Claudia. And she turned off her location,"

"She's gotta come back. We leave tomorrow," Claudia says. 

"How long has she been gone?"

"No idea," I tell him. "I just woke up at like nine and she wasn't in the room. That's when I went to ask you if you've seen her,"

"Okay, I'll keep trying to reach her and I'll see if our parents have seen her. And hopefully, she will show up before tonight. Someone is gonna she her and say something at some point I'm sure. But let's just stay calm for right now. If she's not found before nine tonight we'll deal with it after that,"

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now