Chapter Twelve - Y/n

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While Billie and I were shopping, Claudia called her and asked what she was doing and then asked to join. Billie asked if I was okay with that, and of course, I said yes. After about fifteen minutes, Claudia shows up. She and Billie hug, and she says hi to me.

"So what are we looking for today?" She asks me. I shrug.

"I'm not so sure," I mumble.

"Well, it's obviously gonna be for the Oscars, but are we looking for something more masculine or feminine? Are we looking for something comfortable, or do we want to be extra?" She asks, and I look at Billie, and she shrugs.

"This is all on you, baby. I'm just here to help," she says, and I laugh. She's been calling me a lot of names like that since I got here. Baby, babe, mamas, and just anything like that. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I just don't understand why.

"Um, comfortable, yes. Masc or fem I'm not so sure yet because I can be one or the other it just depends, and I don't what I want to do right now," I tell her, and she nods.

"Alright, let's just look around, and if we want to go somewhere else, we can," I nod, and she grabs my wrist and pulls me with her with Billie, following behind us. This is gonna be fun.

We ended up finding two outfits, and it was just down to me picking. One was a tighter black dress, and the other was a nice button-up and pants. I'm currently wearing the button-up.

"You look so cute," Claudia says, and I smile. "Now go put the dress back on, and let's see it again." I look at Billie, and she's just looking at me.

"Billie?" I say to get her attention.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm all good,"

"Alright," I say and go back into the dressing room to change again. I start heating them talking. More whispering. I can't tell what they're saying. I open the door, and they both look at me again.

"I don't know what looks better on you," Claudia says. I smile and look at Billie. God, she has a staring problem. "What do you think, Bils."

"What? My opinion? I think they both look good on you," she says, and I watch how she starts looking me up and down. I try not to smile.

"I'd say we get them both, and when the Oscars comes around, you choose whatever you want to wear because I will not be able to pick," Claudia says.

"And then what do with the one I don't wear?" I ask her.

"I don't know. Use it for another occasion," she says.

"I'll pay," Billie says and stands up.

"No, I couldn't ask you to do that," I say. "You've already spent enough on me just for me to be here. I can pay for myself."

"I'm paying. End of discussion," she says. "Get changed so we can go get checked out." I look at Claudia.

"Don't argue with her," she whispers to me. "It'll be better not to piss her off." I nod and get changed.

We get checked out, and we go home. I go take my bags up to the guest bedroom and hang up the clothes in the closest. Don't want them to get wrinkled. After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door.

"Come in," I say, and the door opens, revealing Billie. I could've guessed. "Hey,"

"Hi," she says.

"Did you need something?" I ask her. She walks over to me.

"I wanna talk to you," she says. She has a look on her face that I know all too well. This can't be good. It doesn't look good.

"Okay? What's up?"

"I just wanted to be sure you're actually okay with this," she says.

"Okay, with what?"

"Being here and going to the Oscars with me and being seen with me," she explains. I smile.

"Of course I'm okay with it. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Because it might end up with you getting a lot of attention," she says.

"Yeah, I've already thought about that, and I'm okay with it. I mean, I'm doing something that so many people wish they could do. I'm living a life so many people want, which is being friends with you." I tell her, and she smiles. "If I wasn't okay with it, I wouldn't be here because I would've told you no."

"Okay, good. But I am glad that you're here," she says.

"Me, too," I say, and she hugs me. Oh, okay. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Mhm," she hums. "Just tired," she mumbled.

"You should probably go get some sleep. It's getting late. And you need to get some rest before the Ocsars," I tell her. She sighs and pulls out of the hug.

"I think I will. If you need me, I'll be in my room," she says, and I nod. I watch as she leaves.

I really gotta stop being so nervous around her. I'm sure when she hugged me, she could hear how fast my heart was beating. I'm sure it's only because I'm talking to Billie Eilish. Famous singer/songwriter. She's just a celebrity crush that I've had since I was thirteen. Nothing more than that. Besides, she's straight. Nothing would happen anyway.

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