Chapter Fourty-Four - Y/n

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This trip is going by too fast. We're already a week in. I don't want it to be over. I'm having the best time of my life. Billie has made this trip better than I could've ever imagined. It doesn't matter what I want to do or how much it is or how much of a hassle it is she takes us to do it. I've started to kind of try and figure out what she wants to do but she always deflects the question and tells me how this trip is for me. I don't understand how it's for me. She's the one working all the time. It should be for her. 

"God, I so wish I was you," Michael says. I laugh.

"So do I," Gia agrees.

"Why do you guys want to be me?"

"Is that even a question?' Michael asks. "You're dating Billie Eilish. She's taken you on a two-week trip. Not everybody can afford to just go on a two-week trip. You don't even have a job,"

"I wish I didn't have a job," Gia mumbles.

"I guess that's true. But it's not always like this. It's not like we're always going on trips. I think she just wanted a break. She works a lot," I remind them.

"Yeah, and you're like the only person who knows what she's doing. Is she making a new album?" Gia asks.

"Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. You'll learn about anything when Billie decides to say something. I'm not gonna tell you," she rolls her eyes.


"Who are you talking to?" Billie asks, walking back into the suite. I smiled.

"Michael and Gia," I tell her and point my phone to her. She waves at them and comes to sit next to me. "What were you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just planning something,"

"What do you mean?"

"Just something for us to do before we leave,"

"Which is?" 

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. We'll get there when we get there. It's planned for our last day here,"

"That's in five days! I gotta wait to see something you planned?" 

"Yes," she says and kisses my neck.

"Should we go?" Michael asks.

"Oh, shit! I forgot I was on the phone with you guys," I say and move away from Billie. 

"We'll leave you guys alone," Gia says, and the call ends. I roll my eyes and look at Billie.

"Look what you did," I joke. 


"Come on!" Billie says, dragging me behind her. 

"I'm right here. Stop trying to take my arm off," I say and she stops to look at me. "Why are you so excited right now?"

"Because this is what I planned. I just want to spend our last day here with you and in nature. It's nothing too big. A little hike. Maybe up a hill but that's not what we need to worry about right now,"

"Is this why you bought us walking shoes?" 

"Yes, obviously. I just want some fresh air," she says. I nod.

"Okay, I'll follow you," 

She points out almost everything. Naming something or telling me a random fact. Everything she said was something I didn't know that she knew. But I'm not gonna complain about anything. I like listening to her talk and I get to be with her. 

Honestly, I thought by this point in the trip I would've been tired of her because of how much I'm around her. I'm never around her this much because she's always working. But this is only making me dread going home because I know I won't get to spend every second with her. But I know that we'll have many more trips that we'll go on in the future. 

"Are you okay?" She asks me, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Surprised that I made it this far honestly," she has a big smile on her face.

"Well, there's not much farther. There's a little area right up there and that's where we're stopping," she says. I nod and we keep going.

We get to a little area that has a beautiful view. The sun is setting and that plus to scenery is just amazing. I smile looking at it. This was such a good idea. It was exhausting but absolutely worth it. I look at Billie and she's already looking at me. 

"This is beautiful," I tell her. 

"I know, I had to plan it perfectly so we could get this view," 

"Is that why you were rushing me?"

"Maybe a little bit," she says. I kiss her. "I love you so much,"

"I love you, too,"

"This has been the best two weeks of my life," she says and I nod in agreement. "Also the best two years of my life. As of today, we have been together for exactly two years,"

"Oh, my God! I completely forgot about that!" I say and look at her again.

"It's okay. It's okay. You didn't need to remember. I'm just happy that we're spending the day together," she tells me. I nod.

"Nothing could make this day better," I say.

"Well, there is one thing that could make it better," she says. 

"What do you mean?" She takes a deep breath and looks down. Her mouth opens but she doesn't say anything. "Billie? Are you okay? What is it?"

"I love you with everything I have in me. I love you so much that it scares me. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I want to spend every waking second with you. I hate being away from you. Being able to spend every day of the last few weeks with you has been amazing. I have no good words that could explain exactly how I feel about you. You make me so fucking happy," I laugh a little. "I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you and there is really only one way I can do that," she says, her voice breaking like she's about to cry. She reaches into her pocket. What the fuck is she doing right now? She pulls out a little box and my jaw drops. There's no way she's actually doing this. My eyes fill up with tears as I watch her get down on one knee. "Now this may be really fast, but I don't care. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I hope that you feel the same. So, that leaves the question... will you marry me?"

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now