Chapter 8 - Y/n

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"Should I text Billie?" I asked the three. We're all in Gia's basement getting high like always. It's always something we do when we hang out. And we hang out a lot. We're high a lot. "I mean, she said I could text her anytime."

"Jesus Christ, Y/n. How many times are you gonna bring her up?" Gia asked.

"As many times as I want because I have free will and can say whatever I want," I tell her.

"I say fuck it. Do it," Michael said. "She gave you the verbal permission to do so. We all heard it. And besides, it might be good for you to finally start talking to someone again. This time I'm sure it'll be good for you."

"Thanks, Michael. You wanna keep talking about my past relationships? Because I can bring up a couple of yours." I told her.

"Nah, that's not necessary,"

"Y/n, calm down. God, you get really mean when you're high." Gia said and I flipped her off. "See what I mean." I roll my eyes, grab my phone, and open Instagram. I open my chat with Billie and text her.


Me: Hey, you said I could text you anytime. So here I am texting you. How are things?

God, I am horrible at texting when I'm high. I also really don't know what to say to her either. I put my phone down, grab a blanket from off the floor, and cover myself. I lay down and get comfortable and I zone out watching the movie playing. I don't know what it is I just know that it's really boring. I eventually fell asleep.

When I wake up the first thing I notice is that it's no longer bright out. It's extremely dark. God, my parents are gonna be so worried about me. I start searching for my phone so I can check the time. Four in the morning? I have three missed calls from my mom and seven texts from her. I just have one text from my dad, well my stepdad, just asking me when I'm coming home. I sighed and texted him back.

Me: I know you'll see this when you wake up, I accidentally fell asleep at Gia's house with him and the others. I'll see you in the morning, or whenever I come home.

It's easier to text him rather than my mom. He doesn't freak out like she does. I then see that I have a text back from Billie. I smiled and opened it.

Billie: Hey, I was just thinking about you. All is well. Haven't been doing much. How about you? How are you?

This was two hours ago? Damn, what's she doing up so late?

Me: Everything is fine. I also haven't been doing much. And I'm alright. How about you?

God, I really hate texting. It's so awkward. Whatever, it's what I got to do while I'm here in Seattle. I turn my phone off and put it down. Just a few seconds later it goes off. I grab it and it's a text from Billie.

Billie: I'm okay. But what are you doing up so late?

Me: I could ask you the same thing

Billie: I asked first

I laughed to myself.

Me: I went to bed early and I just woke up. Now, what are you doing up so late?

Billie: Well, I decided to take a nap at around 2 and it ended up being longer than I intended it to be so now I'm awake

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now