Chapter Twenty-Seven - Billie

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"I'm ready to go home,"

"We have a few more months you're fine," Finneas tells me as he's packing his bags as we're getting ready to go to our next place. 

"We have four more months, bro. That's so long. I love touring, meeting the fans, and doing interviews. It just gets so exhausting. And then there's people who are constantly asking when the next album is gonna be. Like you just got a new one. Shut up," he laughs. 

"I understand. But you're also upset because Y/n went back home,"

"Don't remind me," I mumble.

"I think it's something she needed, though,"

"It was. I've also been telling her for months to go back because she needs a break from everything, and she has all the opportunity to do so. It just sucks. I'm used to spending all day every day with her, and now that she's not here, it just sucks. And I'm just so scared something is gonna happen, and I'm not gonna be there to help her,"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the whole situation with Liam. He's still there. He knows where she lives. It scares me, so I can only imagine how she feels,"

"I think you're more scared than she is," Claudia says. 

"I am," I admit. "I'm also thinking of asking her to move in with me once this tour is over." 

"That's a good idea," Claudia says. "You've practically been doing it anyway with the whole year you guys have spent together."

"That's true," just then my phone starts buzzing. It's Y/n Facetiming me. I smile.

"You better answer that," Finneas says, and obviously I do. 

"Hi, baby,"

"Hey," she responds.

"What are you up to?" I ask. 

"Hanging out with Michael, Gia, and Eva," Eva?

"Who's that?" I ask.

"She's one of Gia's friends, I guess. I don't really know who she is, but she's cool,"


"What are you doing?"

"I'm with Claudia and Finneas right now. We're getting ready to leave and go to our next place. I miss you being here,"

"I miss you, too," 

"Ew, go somewhere else with that," Finneas says. I roll my eyes.

"Ignore him," Claudia says. 

"It's fine. I need to start packing anyway," I say and leave their room and go to mine. "Anyway," I say, looking back at my phone and setting it up so she can see me as I pack my bags again. "How is being back home?"

"Quite boring, honestly. I like being with you and going places. I just really needed to be home for a little while. I think I might be able to join you again in October and finish the tour with you," 


"Yeah, why do you sound surprised?"

"I don't know. I just figured you'd want to stay with your friends and family for a while,"

"I know. That's why I went back in the first place. I kind of missed them, and my brother and sister kept asking when I was coming back and thought I should come back for a little while and hang out and be with them. It's kind of hard, though, because they're in school," I nod, just listening to her. "But I've been here a month now, and I just want to be back with you, to be honest."

"Makes sense. I am amazing," we laugh. "But I could also tell that you needed a break from all the traveling and the people and the stress. That's why I kept telling you to go home,"

"Oh, I just thought you were trying to get rid of me," she said sarcastically.

"I would never do that,"

"Mhm," she hums.

"Y/n, are you coming back?" A voice yells that I don't recognize. Probably Gia's friend. 

"Yeah, one minute!" She yells back. "I guess I gotta go. I don't wanna get yelled back even more. I'll talk to you later. I love you,"

"I love you," I say, and she ends the call. I sigh. 

I don't know why, but something about Gia's friend gives me a weird vibe. I know I've never met her before, but just her name gives me a bad feeling. I'm sure it's nothing, and it's just all in my head. I do get into my head a lot. But it's whatever. I trust Y/n. She's never given me a reason not to. I just need to not worry about it. 

At dinner, I still couldn't stop thinking about that girl. I think it's just because I don't know who she is. I've met all of her friends, and I know Eva isn't really her friend, but I just can't stop. And why was she the one to ask my girlfriend to come back? I know there was probably no meaning behind it, but it's just weird to me. God, I need to stop thinking about this. I'm getting too much in my head.

"Billie, are you good?" Claudia asks me. I nod. "Excuse us," she says to everyone, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the restrooms.

"What the hell?" 

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Nothing. I'm fine,"

"No, you're not. You look upset. What's going on? Are you and Y/n okay?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, we're fine. There's nothing bad happening,"

"Then what is it because obviously you're upset about something, and I know you need to talk about it, or you'll completely shut down, and that can't happen right now," I sigh.

"Okay, when I was on the phone with Y/n and after I left your room, she was hanging out with Michael and Gia,"

"Okay? What about it? They're nice. Was Liam there?"

"No, no. He wasn't. I won't ever be again. Not even Gia and Michael talk to him anymore," I tell her.

"Okay, so what happened?"

"I guess one of Gia's friends, Eva, was there. I don't know who she is, and I just can't stop thinking about it,"

"You're making shit up in your head. You can't be doing that," she reminds me.

"I know. I just can't help it. And she was the one who called Y/n back. Not one of her friends. And I don't know why, but just something about it really bothers me," she hits me. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" I hit her back.

"You're basically saying you don't trust Y/n,"

"No, I'm not. I trust her with my life,"

"Then you need to stop. I'm one hundred percent sure nothing bad is gonna happen. Even if something a little sketchy happens, Y/n will tell you and deal with it. You're fine." 

"I know. I just overthink everything, and it's hard to top. But I mean, nothing's changed. She still calls me. She still texts me and tells me she loves me. I know literally everything that happens. I think I just miss her and I really want to be with her but I can't. She did tell me earlier that she's gonna come back the last few months of the tour and finish it with me," 

"That's good. So, stop getting into your head, and let's get back," I nod, and we go back to dinner. She's right. I just need to stop. Maybe I need to talk to Y/n about it. She'll reassure me and remind me that everything's okay.

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now