Chapter Fourty-One - Billie

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"You have everything you need?" I ask Y/n as we're getting ready to leave to get on a plane to Seattle.

"I think so. If there's anything else I need, I can probably get it later," she says. I nod, and we head out. Finneas and Claudia are taking us to the airport. Claudia has a big smile on her face. She needs to stop smiling. She's gonna give it away. I'll kill her.

"So, what are you guys gonna do on your little vacation?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not sure," Y/n answers. "Billie has everything we're doing planned. Although, I still don't know why we're going to Seattle first." She looks at me. I shrug.

"I just thought it would be a good idea for us to go visit your family before we go on a trip. I mean, we're gonna be in Italy for two weeks, I wouldn't think you'd have the energy to want to see your family after that," I told her.

"That's a fair point, actually," Y/n mumbles.

We finally get to the airport, and we make our way through all of the bullshit that it is. We sit next to each other on the plane, and I can see her picking at her nails again. I grab her hand, and she looks at me.

"I really hate flying," she says.

"I know you do, but this is the shortest flight right now. The next one is longer," I remind her.

"Yeah, I know, and that one is gonna be absolutely horrible," she laughs nervously.

"Well, you have a week before you have to worry about that one right now,"

"I'm already worrying about it. It's thirteen hours,"

"I know, but for right now, why don't you try and get some sleep? You had to get up early for this flight," she nods and rests her head on my shoulder, and I start playing with her hair.

When we got to the airport in Seattle, Y/n's family was there to pick us up. The moment she saw them, she immediately went to hug them. I smiled. Once all that was over, her brother and sister came over and hugged me. I laughed and hugged them back.

"I haven't seen you guys in forever," I say.

"Yeah, we haven't seen you for almost two years," Oliva says. I push her away, and she laughs.

"I'm busy, okay? And I live hours away," I remind her. "Besides, I have texted you guys occasionally, so it's not like I haven't talked to you,"

"Only texting on birthdays and holidays don't count," Oliver says.

"Hey, you guys leave her alone," Y/n's mom says. I smile and go grab Y/n's hand, and we all make our way back to their house.

When we get there, Y/n and I make ourselves comfortable in her old bedroom. We don't unpack everything, but we unpack most of our stuff. As we're doing that, there's a knock on the door.

"Y/n?" I hear Oliver say. "Your friends are here,"

"Come in," she says, and the door opens, and Gia and Michael come in. They immediately go a hug Y/n.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," Gia says.

"You saw me a few months ago,"

"I know, but I didn't really get to see you very long," I see Oliver still standing in the doorway with a kind of sad look on his face. I go over to talk to him.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask him. He shrugs and looks down. "Do you wanna go talk somewhere else?" He nods, and we leave. We walk outside, and we sit on the deck in the backyard. "So, what's up?" He sighs.

"I don't know. I'm just upset," he tells me.

"Why's that?"

"Because I haven't seen my sister in almost two years. The last time I saw her, you were on tour and just so happened to have shows here in Seattle. I mean, we text and call a lot, but it's not the same as seeing her in person. I get that she has her own life, and she was gonna move out soon anyway. I just never thought that she'd move to another city in another state. And yeah, I am happy that she's back, but I also know that she's not staying very long. Mom told us that she's only here for a week before you guys were going to Italy."

"You must really miss your big sister," he nods. "I get it. I know that if I was away from my brother, Finneas, for two years and could only call and text him, I'd be pretty upset, too,"

"But you can drive, I'm only fifteen. I haven't even got my permit yet. And you have the money to be able to fly anytime you want,"

"Mm, I wouldn't say that's true. I may have the money to do that, but that doesn't mean I always have the time to just take a flight anywhere I want anytime I want. I do have a job that needs to get done,"

"I guess that's true. I just hate how far away she is, and it feels like I'm the only one who feels that way. My step-dad cares about her, but I think he's just glad that my mom has stopped being so crazy about everything. My mom talks about Y/n and says that she misses her, and Olivia really couldn't care. She's going through her own things and has her friends to hang out with and people to talk to. I don't really have that. I never have. I have like three close friends and Y/n, even though she's my sister, she's one of them," he explains.

"I understand. Would it make you feel better if she came to visit you more often?" He nods.

"Yeah, but she's got a life. I know that she doesn't have a job, really, but she has you. She has a relationship. Something that makes her happy. I don't want to take her away from that,"

"You wouldn't be taking her away from that. The whole reason we're here is because she's always talking about how much she misses her family. She's a really big family person and so am I. And I missed you guys, too. Y/n and I have known each other for over two years and it's been the happiest two years of my life but I also know that because of that relationship, she's been distant from her family. And if we moved here, I'd be distant from mine, so it's not exactly ideal. We have wanted to come and visit for the holidays it's just been hard with my schedule and everything. I'm hoping that this year we'll be able to come back here more and spend the holidays with you guys," a smile forms on his face.


"Yeah, I need to be able to spend more time with the people I hope to call family one day," he gives me a suspicious look.

"You'd hope to call us family one day?" I nod. "Does that mean-"

"Yup. That's exactly what it means,"

"That's awesome!" He says. I laugh.

"You wanna see something?"

"Yeah," he says with a smile on his face.

"Okay, but you gotta keep it a secret,"


"Where have you been?" Y/n asks as I walk back into the bedroom.

"I've been talking to Oliver. You should probably go talk to him and hang out with him. He's really missed you," I tell her.


"Yeah, he's been really upset that you haven't been here with him," she nods.

"Okay, thanks for talking to him, though," I nod.

"Well, I just saw that he was upset, so I thought I should try and talk to him," she smiles and kisses me.

"You're an amazing person. You know that?" I shrug.

"I try,"

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now