Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 12]

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The day after, you, Brett and Eddy were all sitting around the working table like usual, working on different projects.

You and Eddy had agreed that you would be the one to lift the topic since you were the most 'neutral' in the throuple. You hated it of course cause it never really ended well, just in sad looks and heavy, anxious-filled air.

But you also knew the outcome would probably be worse if Eddy would preset the information, and even more worse if you would not tell him at all.

But why did you have to confess the crime at the crime scene?

You finally gathered some courage, and broke the comfortable silence.

"So uhm... me and Eddy just wanted to let you know that uhm... we had sex for the first time yesterday," you really tried saying it casually but still keep the seriousness, but the awkwardness was inevitable.

Brett's look shot up from his computer immediately and met yours. You tried to read them, but it was hard. He started chewing his cheek and wandered with his eyes.

"I see... thank you for, uhm... for letting me know..." The whole situation was very obscure and not one of you knew how to act since you've never been in this kind of situation before.

You acted upon gut feeling and reached your hand out to hold Brett's. He took it and looked up at you, and then let his eyes wander over to Eddy, but he couldn't keep eye contact for more than a second before looking down. Normally, Eddy would panic and think Brett was hella mad at him, but the sorrow he read in those eyes, even if just for a second, told a completely different story.

Eddy's heart sank at the sight. His best friend was in pain. Grieving even. The whole situation was so twisted. Neither of you could find peace in the situation because one is always suffering, and if one is suffering the other two will subconsciously share the pain.

Brett finally broke.

"I'm sorry, it's just... it's hard... but I'm sure it'll pass soon and once this new thing is more... established..." Brett tried, but the pain in his voice was shining through.

You squeezed his hand in a try to comfort, and then brought him into a hug.

Eddy didn't quite know what to do. The two of them have never been the touchy duo and it felt weird initiating a hug when Eddy was literally the cause of Brett's pain. Ultimately, he decided on staying put while watching the other half of the throuple hug.

"It's okay Brett, no one is expecting you to just... Be okay."

"But how come Eddy's okay and I'm not!?" Brett exclaimed, sounding more aggressive than intended, and regretted it immediately. "Sorry bro, I didn't mean it like that, of course I want you to be happy, I just... I just wanna know your secret?" Brett tried, sounding defeated.

"Nono, don't worry bro, I... I really don't know, Brett, I think... I think I'm just genuinely happy to see the two people I love the most love each other..." Eddy felt so empathic for Brett's he hated seeing his best friend like this.

Brett let the words sink in through the silence. He saw determined to try his hardest to make this work but it just hurt so fucking much.

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