Brett x Eddy x Reader [Pt. 19]

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The three were cooking some spaghetti Bolognese. Well, mainly Eddy while Brett and you were the moral support and entertainment. You needed to go to the bathroom when 'Hound Dog' by Elvis Presley came on. Brett took ahold of Eddy's hand and hip and started dancing, or trying at least, it was mostly based on bouncing from side to side while holding each other. Eddy complained halfheartedly about the food getting burnt, but complied nevertheless. You heard the music and emerged in the kitchen, a bit smile growing on your face at the scene. Your two loverboys trying their best to couple dance.

"What are you grinning about?" Brett teased, still continuing the little dance with Eddy.

"You two are just too cute," You replied while crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe.

"And you think you'll escape?" Brett said as he let go of Eddy and picked you up by the armpits before throwing his hand around your legs to keep you in place in the lift.

Eddy returned to the cooking but kept his eyes fixated on his two lovers, amused by the scene playing out in front of him. Giggles were heard as Brett carried you from the doorframe to the larger part of the kitchen where he put you down. Brett took the same dance stance he'd had with Eddy and started swaying, but you stopped him immediately though.

"If we're gonna dance couple dance, we're gonna do it correctly, so I'll lead," you had a grin on your face as you let out both of your hands, palms facing up. Brett followed your lead and placed his own hands in the ones in front of him.

"Now, always step on my right side with your right foot," you explained and demonstrated.

"Like this?" Brett asked.

"Yes exactly, now you simply relax and follow me!"

You started stepping just as the bridge dropped in the music. Brett was a natural, he was very good at relaxing and following your lead. It might sound easy but it's quite hard, especially for a beginner, but Brett did so excellently!

You couldn't help but smile as you lead Brett through simple but flashy movements. The song met its end, and you attempted a classic throw out, twirl in, drop move, but realized way to late that you were too weak for Brett's weight and the two of you ended up in a laughing pile on the floor. Eddy had completely forgotten about the food and was standing with two hands over his jaw dropped mouth.

"That was so good! I didn't know you could actually dance Brett!" He said as the other two helped each other up from the floor.

"Me neither! I just did as you said, relaxed and followed," he replied and snaked his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss against your cheek.

"And you were very good at it! Following another person and trusting that they won't lead you into a wall is hard!" You praised with a giggle.

"Pffft, I'd entrust you with my life any day," Brett said cheekily.

"Do me! I wanna try," Eddy said as he turned the stoves off and walked over to the two.

Brett replaced Eddy's role as chef, but not to do anything, just to watch the food and stir occasionally despite the stove being off now. ABBA's song 'Lay all your love on me' was now playing, it was a little slower than 'hound dog', but maybe that'll be in your favor.

"So you saw the steps right? Right leg front," You explained again.

Eddy got it right, it was a bit stiff, but he got the hang of it eventually.

"Good! Now you relax and follow my lead," you said with a smile as you started different dance calls.

Eddy tried to but kept doing the beginner mistake of interrupting the calls by trying to help you follow them through, but since he had no idea of where he was supposed to end up, it often resulted in you bumping into each other or tangling your arms. You made no big deal of it though, you were more than used to this behavior so you simply detangled the arms or quickly returned to starting position whenever you bumped.

"Oh my god, this is hard! How did you do it Brett?"

"What can I say, I'm a natural," Brett replied cockily, throwing Eddy a grin.

The song ended, and this time you had learned from your mistakes and didn't dare to attempt any lifts. Instead, you pushed Eddy with your left hand to unravel in a grand finishing pose, still connected by one hand while the other one was outstretched doing jazz hands. At least you were doing so, Eddy was a bit late on catching up the jazz hand. The end was followed by applause and a "woo!" from Brett.

Eddy breathed heavily and rested his hands on his knees.

"Damn, it's a whole workout! No wonder you look so good if this is your job," he said sounding winded.

You laughed at the interlaced compliment.

"Yeah, it's the perfect workout cause you don't even think about it while you're dancing, right?"

"True," Eddy replied while letting go of his grandpa stance to give you a kiss on the temple.

You smiled and happily leaned into the kiss. You looooved your boyfriends' kisses, especially on the cheeks and forehead!

"But I think Brett will have to be your dance partner, I'm too old for this," Eddy said with his hands around your shoulders as you walked over to Brett by the counter.

"Bro I'm literally older than you."

Brett was cut off by a kiss from Eddy. You were now sandwiched in between your two boyfriends who were now sharing a chaste kiss. Your hands had automatically fallen on Brett's chest when the two connected. Brett's hands were behind him on the counter while Eddy's were still around you.

The two separated and looked fondly into each other's eyes. You could not get enough of their love shining through, it was so powerful and melted your heart every time. It reminded you of all the hardships the three of you had endured to end up here, in this moment, together.

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